Chapter 12

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"What were you thinking?!" He yelled at you.

"I-I just was bored and wanted to read." You sat on the bed, your head down.

"And you tough that getting to the library and not telling anyone would be a great idea?!" You looked down as he came up to you. "AWNSER ME!"

"Y-Yes, I thought I c-could move by myself! Be independent..." He pulled your face up so you could see him.

"Don't ever do that again." You nodded.

"B-But why do I have to always be watched?" You insisted. He got closer to you, your nose touching his.

"I don't want to loose you." With that he kissed you, you were blushing as you kissed him back. He leaned towards your ear and whispered. "You are the only one who can give me emotions again." He gently nibbled your ear making you shiver, blushing even more. He straighten himself. "Xemnas wants you on the field tomorrow.

"Already?" You sighed as he nodded.

"So take some rest and try not to move more then you already did." He looked at you his eyes dark.

"I won't. Promise." You nodded as he smiled gently.

"Good." He stood near the door frame as he opened the door. "I'll have to go now, be safe (Y/N)."

"I will be." You whispered as he left the room, making you feel lonely again. Why do I have to be so lonely when he is not here? You sighed. Oh! I almost forgot! I have my books! You stood up and took a book. Excited you laid back down and started reading.

--- Time Skip---

You looked up from your book as you heard someone enter the room, scared a bit, you looked at where the noise came from. The only thing that you could see was a dark figure as it got closer to you.

"W-Who is there?" You said, not knowing who was there.

"Are you not supposed to sleep, Wielder?" As the person approached you smiled at the voice.

"Saix, what are you doing here?"

He stood next to the bed.

"This is my bed too, wielder." You chuckled a bit blushing in embarrassment.

"Forgot this was your room" He looked at you and smiled a bit. He took off his black coat to reveal him shirtless. You blushed a lot as you tried your best not to stare. Wow, he is muscular. You blushed even more as thought of that. He looked at you smirking.

"What's wrong wielder?" He kept smirking as he got closer to you.

"N-Nothing S-Saix" You gulped. He chuckled softly.

"It's not good to lie" He leaned in, sending shivers down your spine and whispered in your ear "Wielder" Your face became red and he got on top of you, his body slowly putting pressure on yours.

"Iwasjustadmiringyourabs" You said fast as he chuckled. He laid next to you and took your hand, to put it on his abs after.

"You mean these?" You gulped blushing extremely as he chuckled even more. He leaned in and kissed you. "You are really something (Y/N)."

"Am I?" He took you in his arms, cuddling you.

"No time for questions, wielder, we should sleep." You blushed and nodded, leaning your head on his chest. You started to fall asleep.

"I believe you are my heart (Y/N)" was the only thing you heard before slumber consumed you.


Oh my! Sorry for bot updating.. School took over me.. I hope you like this chapter because I *Smirks* Adore it. *Chuckles while leaving in the shadow realm." 

You are my heart  (Saix X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now