Chapter 16

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You walked ahead of Saix.

"(Y/N)! You really worried me back there!" You looked behind you.

"I don't see why." You smiled pulling out your tongue playfully. He walked up to you. And hold you in his arm in a tight embrace.

"Because you are important for me." You smiled blushing a bit. And kissed his cheek.

"I still don't see why." You looked at him. He leaned in and kissed you.

"Because you are my heart." With that he let you go and started walking forwards again. Leaving you blushing. You quickly ran towards him.

"Saix! W-Wait!" You finally cached up to him.

"What took you so long?" A smiled played on his lips. "Anyway, we are arriving" You nodded and he opened the corridor, making the both of you enter the headquarters.

"So we report to Xemnas first?" He nodded and you both headed to the room. You looked up and Xemnas was sitting at his place, like always.

"Lord Xemnas, we are here to report." He looked down at us.

"Go ahead." His voice was monotone as always.

"We didn't find any wielder." You said.

"I sensed a wielder there. Then we shall resort to the plan" Xemnas replied. You tilted your head.

"The plan? What plan?" You asked.

"Alright, the plan shall be executed later today" Saix answer. The door reopened and Saix took your head to drag you out of the room. You hand still head by Saix you stopped walking.

"What plan?" He glared at you.

"You do not need to know." He started dragging you again and you pulled your hand away from his.

"Yes. I need to know." He glared at you and walked away.

"If you are looking for me I will be doing a round check." He said before leaving you alone. You looked at the now empty room. You sighed.

"Why am I not allowed to know anything?" You said to yourself.

"Because they don't trust you enough" A voice behind you said. You screamed surprised, getting your keyblade out and turned around. "I scared you, wielder?" Zexion.

"Yes you did. Do not ever do this again." He chuckled softly looking at you.

"What can I say? It was quite funny." You looked up at him.

"No it was not. I could have slashed you with my keyblade!" He laughed.

"Slash who? I'm not even in this room!" You looked at him confused as he disappeared. Was I just talking to an illusion? You stood there dumb folded and decided to go in the library. He must be here.

"Zexion?!" You screamed/yelled.

"Shhhhhh, we don't yell in a library" You heard Zexion's way to familiar voice. You walked up to him.

"Zexion? What do you want?" He looked up from his book and smirked.

"I know you want something." You tilted your head. "You want to know what the plan is."

"Well... Yeah." He closed the book smiling widely.

"Then we shall make a deal. I tell you what the plan is and you will ask Xemnas to be partnered up with me for your upcoming missions. "You gulped. "So you in or not?" I really want to know...

"I'm in" He walked up to you.

"Good." He said getting closer to you.

"So tell me what the plan is." He smiled and leaned towards your ear.

"They want to take the island's heart."


(A/N): Hey everyone!! Sorry for the very long wait since my last update. Let's just say I lived one hell of a moment and my life is getting better! Anywayyyy, I'll try to update more! Don't forget to leave a comment, like and share with your friends!!

*Walks into the dark realm.* 

You are my heart  (Saix X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now