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I rub my eyes, and slowly sit up into my usual sitting position. Yawning, I look over at the empty space next to me. 

I get on my knees, and crawl over to the opposite edge of the mattress. Phil is face down on the carpet floor, snoring very lightly. I take my pointer finger and poke his back.

He groans, but turns over. His eyes are a bit red, and his breaths are hurried. "What's wrong?" I ask, trying to get him to answer me. He groans again.

I get up and walk to my dresser to get ready. I just put on any ordinary black jumper and ripped black skinny jeans. I slip on the white Converse at the bottom of my suitcase and pace back to the bed.

"So when do you plan on getting up?" I joke, and he finally decides to respond in his human voice.

"In a minute. By the way, you look pretty." He mumbled. I roll my eyes and gawk at him.

"I'm ordering breakfast, is that okay?" I say, already punching the number in. I see him give me a thumbs up in the corner of my eye.

The phone rings once, and a lady picks up on the other end. "Hello, what would you like?"

I talk in the nicest voice I can. "Eggs and sausage, please. Oh wait, give me second," I yell to Phil from the phone. "What do you want?" He responds rather quickly. "Whatever you're having!"

I go back to the lady on the phone. "Make that two of those, please." I hang up and wait for a doorbell to ring.

Phil comes out of the bathroom and sits on the corner of the bed. He leans back and falls onto the mattress. I bite my lip, but remain seated to wait for the food to get here.

He stays like that for a minute, then slowly moves his hands up his body and places them above his head. He seems to be stretching and lets out a little moan.

I marvel at him for a second, and cross one leg over the other. You little shit, I think.

He seems to notice me staring and throws me a flirty wink, making me scoff.

After what feels like an hour of him staring me up and down, the doorbell finally rings. I bolt up and rush to it. I open the door, and a lady with a cart comes in and places the dishes down on our table. She smiles and walks out the door. I thank her as she walks down the hall.


I take a step further and Phil is always a step in front of me, so I can never quite catch up with him. "You're slow, Daniel."

"I'd be faster if you weren't such a pain in my ass." I scoff. I speed up a little, trying not to lose him in the crowd. "Where are we even going?" 

"Something caught my eye at the front desk as we left- there was a pamphlet taped to the wall. It was a dance downtown later tonight. I signed us up behind your back, and I know we're going to have a wonderful time." He gives me a grin, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Alright, we're going to a dance. Now you said it was tonight, so why are we out right now?"

He spins around and gives me a small smirk. "To all dances, you must dress to impress."

I gulp, noticing that his type of dance and my type of dance are not the same thing.

IM HAPPY ALL THE TIME; phanWhere stories live. Discover now