up side down

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after they finished recording , we left the studio. "we going for ice creamm.." Ava sung. me and aug smiled at her. it's crazy how even when we didn't end well, some beautiful came out if it. tay got a ride home from Chris since she still giving mike the silent treatment. August and Ava walked to his car and I walked to mines. "Michelle , you not riding with us?" August asked. "I mean I can, but how I'm going to get back?" I said. "I'll bring you back." he said. I stroked my hair back and walked over to aug car. he smiled at me and I gave him a quick grin and straighten my face. I put Ava in the back and strap her in the seat belt. I got in the front seat and we drove off.
I was texting on my phone the entire time. August then put his hand on the tattoo on my thigh. "when u get this?" he asked. "Couple months ago." I said kind of feeling uncomfortable of his hand. I then moved aug hand off my thigh. This sad look came over his face. I don't mean to be mean but August really hurt me. when Ava was 1 ,aug cheated on me with groupies, hoes and some times fans. I went through hell trying to hold on to our relationship for the sake of our daughter, but I couldn't let Ava see me constantly cry at night. I had to be strong for me and her.

We pulled up at the ice cream polar. I got out and shut the door. August got out as well and he got Ava out too. we walked and August grabbed the door for both of us. "hi! welcome to Baskin Robbins.... OOMG !!! your ..your August Alsina!" the girl said. August smiled "yea it's me." He said back. "Well ... what can I get yal." she asked nervously. August picked up Ava. "what kind u want Ava ?" aug asked her. "mmm I want that one daddy!" she said pointing to the cookie dough flavor. "let me 2 cookie-" August was about to say. "3 cookie dough in a cup." I cut him off. after we got our ice cream .. we sat down at the table and start eating. "yummy!" Ava said smiling. I took a pic of Ava and August eating their ice cream and posted it on Instagram. I put "night with these two 😍😘" and tag August in it. I immediately was getting likes and comments. August looked at his phone and seen the pic. he smiled and like the pic. "August u know ... Ava ballet recital is next weekend." I said. "ya daddy! I'm a ballerina!" she sequeled. aug kissed her cheek. "daddy going be there .. promise." after we finished our Icecream we drove back to the studio. I called Chris.
Chris- hello?
Me- aye where we shooting?
Chris- palm photo innovations.
Me- ok be there in a few.

U hung up. "um Aug can Ava stay at ur house until I get thru shooting." I asked. "yea, but Tiffany there.. so u know." he said. Tiffany is aug girlfriend. they been dating for 1yr now and I can't stand that bitch. Me and argue all the time. just cause the fact she try to play mommie to Ava and she gets jealous everytime Ava and August together. "Ugh .. ok , but ill be there to get her after." I got out the car and kissed Ava goodnight. "see u later mama .. u going b with daddy for a while." I kissed her. "bye mommie." she said. "aug please get her a happy meal." I said. "alright." he replied. I close Ava door and got in my car.

I drove home and changed into my black Adidas sweat pants and neon pink sports bra from pink. I put on my matching black Adidas jacket and my nikes. I pinned my hair into a bun and grabbed my camera stuff.

I grabbed my keys and left. I pulled up at the place and got out. I walked in. I seem Chris already ready. "you ready?" I asked him. "yes." he said back. the make up crew was finishing the details and his stylist was fixing his clothes. I set everything up and took of my jacket and shoes. After about 2 hours of taking pics I hugged Chris bye and it was time to go get my baby.
I drove to August house, I didn't see his car. I walked up to the door and knocked. I could hear Ava screaming and crying I want mommie. I start beating on the door. the door swang open. "who is - aw it's you .. come get her cause she getting on my nerves." Tiffany said . "MOMMIE!!" Ava ran over to me hugging my leg tight. "it's ok baby go get ur stuff. "... Mommie she hit me." Ava said again. my blood started to boil. "ok baby go get ur stuff so we can go." Ava ran to go get her stuff. "Bitch don't u ever put ur mfs hands on my child trick." I yelled getting all up in Tiffany face. "I hit that lil brat ... so what." she said I punch her dead in face and constantly wooing her ass. Ava was crying . I felt someone pull me off her. it was August. "what the hell? u come to my place fighting my girl?" he yelled at me. "August kill that shit! u left Ava here with that bitch and she put her mf hands on my child ... but it's ok u ain't gotta never worry about seeing Ava again or her coming over here!" I screamed. I grabbed Ava and her stuff and walked out. August ran out ." you can't take my daughter away from me!" he screamed. I put Ava in the car and walk over to my side. "Watch me!" I said then got in the car and speed off.

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