10: Smuggler Female: Sarilea Valkir

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This character was made by music1or1books

Name: Sarilea Valkir, or Sari (sar-i-leah val-keer)

Age: 20

Profession: Smuggler

Race: Human

Appearance: Sari is a relatively average looking person, with a round face, brown eyes and pale skin. Her hair is dyed black with the ends a light blue, although Sari is naturally a brunette. She is often wearing a large jacket and boots, covering the tattoos that line her legs and arms.

Personality: She is a naturally reserved person because of her job but can be charismatic when she wants to. Sari isn't known for being kind or being rude, she just does what she needs to do. She should think things through but will often make rash decisions with little thought, which has often gotten her in trouble.

Planet they were born: Coruscant

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Sari lives on her ship and visits so many planets she can't remember them all.

Weapon of choice: A short-range pistol

Greatest temptation: money or stability

Life goal: To take over her uncle's business

Background: Sari's family is one of the lesser known smuggling families in the universe, but is none the less influential. Her uncle is at the head, and she has only recently been allowed to work as a captain on a ship instead of a crewmember. She and her older cousin, Marc Valkir, co-captain a ship. Both of her parents are alive, although she rarely talks to them because of a dispute between her father and her uncle where she took her uncle's side. Her father no longer works as a smuggler and instead lives as a farmer on a remote island with her younger sister, Jule. Sari was taken on a smuggling mission that the Sith had set up to capture her, where she had walked out of her ship and been swarmed with soldiers. Marc barely escaped on their ship, betraying her family main motto of never leaving someone behind.

Side character: Sari's side character is her cousin and co-captain Marc Valkir. She is not currently on the best terms with him because she believes he betrayed her to be captured by the Sith.

Loved ones: Sari leaves behind all of her family, because even her extended cousins felt like brothers and sisters to her

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Loved ones: Sari leaves behind all of her family, because even her extended cousins felt like brothers and sisters to her. She never had a good friend or a significant other, so her family was all that she had.  

Agruss: "You may not be a slave, but you are beautiful enough. Perhaps I could make you mine..."

Ezaye: "For a smuggler, you sure are nice. I've never met one before."

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