Grading Rubric

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This is the rubric I'll be using when grading your guys' entries. To you Author Games vetrans, this will look very familiar. I thought you all would want to see it, that way when you write your entries, you can keep this in mind. 

Syntax (2.5)

Grammar? –0.5

Good Punctuation? –0.5

Spelling? –0.5

Good Sentence Structure ( run-ons included here)? –0.5

Flows Smoothly? –0.5


Content (1.5)

Follows task? –0.5

Adheres to Word Count Requirements? –0.5

Realistic or is it too far out there?–0.5


Story (3)

Creativity? --0.5

Characterization? –0.5

Emotion? –0.5

Action scenes realism? –0.5

Dialogue (natural or stiff)? –0.5

Character growth and development? –0.5


True to Star Wars (3):

Story is accurate –1

Character is accurate? –1

Weapons and any objects included is accurate? –1


Individual Opinions/Concerns (3):

Good grasp of vocabulary (descriptiveness)? –0.6

Engaged? –0.6

Emotional Impact? –0.6

Hook? –0.6

Originality? -0.6


Grand Total: 13

Harsher grading scale for each specific section 

1-3 mistakes –0. 1 point taken off

4 -5 mistakes – 0.2 points taken off

6-7 mistakes –0.3 points taken off

8-9 mistakes –0.4 points taken off

10 or more mistakes –0.5 points taken off

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