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Naturally, Jedi and Sith fight with Lightsabers aka laser swords. If you don't know anything about these, then you should research. But there are many different types of lightsabers:

Curved hilt lightsaber, mostly for Jedi who prefer a balanced weight and more precise handling of saber-to-saber dueling. This is the hilt Count Dooku wielded.

Shoto is a short saber with a blade extending half a meter. It's usually wielded with a Jedi's off hand, or for short species like Master Yoda.

Lightclub is a giant sized saber with a massive handle and a thick blade. They're usually wielded by species that are larger in size.

Dual-phase lightsaber uses focusing controls to shift between twin crystals, allowing a normal sized blade to suddenly become twice as long.

Dual-bladed lightsaber is mostly a Sith weapon, but there is nothing evil in its design. It's a lightsaber with a longer hilt that has the laser extend out of both ends, or only one if the wielder chooses.

The lightsaber pike has the same fighting style as a dual-bladed lightsaber. It is a staff made from lightsaber resistant metal, with the laser at the end (like a spear, except the laser is about the size of a short blade).

Lightwhip is the most exotic crystal-energy weapons. Instead of having a rigid blade, it's energy tendril is flexible and can be used to entangle or cut. Unless you're already an expert in traditional whips, you shouldn't even hold a lightwhip.

Cortosis blade is a blade that is deflect a lightsaber blade.

Neuranium and pherik are two lightsaber countermeasure metals that can deflect lightsabers when forged into weapons.

Dark saber is a weapon with lightsaber crystal energy inside it surrounded by another type of dark energy. It's never used by Jedi and is extremely rare.

Sith lightsaber variants:

Blade lock: a small notch is added next to the activation stud, making it possible to leave the blade extended after it leaves your hand. It's useful in throwing but can be dangerous if it's jarred from your hands forcefully.

Pressure grip: this replaces the activation stud so that it only ignites when held.

Force activation: With this variation, the circuit that connects the power cell to the crystal can only be completed with your mental energy.

Beskar hilt: it's also known as Mandalorian iron and is resistant to a lightsaber blow.

Bounty hunter weapons:

Blaster rifle: This is basic: a rifle that blasts out laser shots.

Heavy blaster pistol

Hold-out blaster: This is a concealed blaster pistol, because it's small enough to be concealed in a boot, up a sleeve or behind your back. It's usually your last line of defense.

Disruptor pistol: Disruptors rip apart organic tissue at the molecular level and their illegal on every planet in the Empire.

Slugthrower rifle: Blasters usually win out over bullets, but there are still a few instances when you need an old fashioned slugthrower over the modern blaster rifle.

Neutral inhibitor: fires loaded darts with neurotoxins that shut down a target's muscle control for about ten minutes, but it costs A LOT of credits to buy one, not including the ammo.


Force cage: It forms a cell four meters tall by two meters wide, with an energy field project across the empty spaces in the frame to deliver a nasty shock to anyone foolish enough to touch it from the inside.

Line thrower: This is used to scale walls, stringing a cord in between to buildings to move from rooftop to rooftop silently, or use its pulley system as a makeshift winch for hauling heavy loads.

Squib battering ram: if you clamp the business end of the ram against a door or wall, its modulated energy pulses will weaken the internal makeup. Then you can haul it back and swing as hard as you can.

Ultrasonic sight enhancer: it measures high frequency sonic signatures and renders them as three dimensional images in your occipital lobe (or whatever your visual neural cluster might be).

Voice scrambler: it throws up an audio bloc against eavesdroppers and looks like a piece of jewelry. 

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