2 mouths later- Venom and Goblin

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Piper's POV
It's been 2 mouths since Percy turned evil and left with Nyx...well, we thought so anyway.
Nyx recently appeared in one of the meetings of the gods, explaining how she only wanted to destroy what Percy did. We were all shooked when we found out Percy was the one who created the poison that took him and Jason but had his memory wiped. Nyx swore alliance with the Olympians on Styx and Chaos, the creator of the universe to help save Percy, but then go to her normal ways. Apparently she was attacked by Percy only after one night of hospitality and ran off.
Annabeth has not been going well...she's moved on with Leo but you can tell she cries every night for her decision with Percy. To be truthful, if Annabeth hadn't dumped Percy, he would still be here.
Also I know that Annabeth and Percy are meant to be together.
Anyway, the remaining Seven got sent to the big house...including Hazel and Frank which means it must be important.
I walked in to see the others there already with Chiron who looks quiet disturbed.
"What's up?" I asked as I took a seat.
"We have found out for the last mouth...a new villain has arose in New York" Chiron said and showed us a picture. It was a picture of spiderman but with a black suit on a glass building.
"Is that-"
"I think it is Annabeth, since the only person we know that has spider powers and recently turned evil is-"
"Percy" Hazel whispered.
"Maybe we can get to him, turn him...or maybe he can show us to Jason!" I said excitedly.
We all nodded.
"All of you guys go, save them" Chiron said.
We all stood up.
"Anyone know where to go?" Frank asked.
As soon as he said that a letter fell from the ceiling. I picked it up and opened it...to see a message written in blood.

'Hello former friends,

I have your hero Jason, if you want him, you have to get him.

Meet me and Goblin on top of Oscorp tower at midday


I read it aloud, causing everyone to gasp.
"Does that answer your question?" Leo asked Frank.


We got to the top of Oscorp tower to see as promised Goblin and Venom.
They smirked as they saw us.
"Welcome!" Goblin said "To the new era!"
"Doesn't look like it" Leo muttered, causing Venom's smirk to grow.
"Oh you're the flame guy, aren't you? Too bad this spider's fireproof" Venom said, sounding exactly like Percy.
"Percy?" Annabeth whispered.
Venom rolled his eyes.
"It's Perseus, Chase" Venom said "Anyway, what do you want?"
"You said that Jason was here!" Hazel yelled.
"I'm sorry, did I hurt wittle Waszel's feelings?" Venom teased.
"Don't you know better than to trust Villains?" Goblin said, rolling his eyes. I swear there's something about him that I know.
"I don't know, it depends on the villain" Frank said, holding Hazel.
"AWWW! There's holding each other" Goblin teased "Too bad that will be the last we see of them"
"Just leave them alone!" I exclaimed, standing in front of everyone. Goblin flinched as he turned to me...

...those blue eyes....


Goblin/Jason smirked, staring coldly at everyone who gasped. "You finally figured it out AFTER 7 MOUTHS?!!?!?" He yelled, causing me to flinch.
He was aiming at pumpkin bomb us, causing me to get my dagger out.
"We tried-"
"Lies Annabeth! We all know you're the reason for most of the stuff that's been happening, so...you have to die" Jason said,smirking.
I looked at Venom who didn't even flinch...is he still the Percy we know?
"You're not touching her" Leo growled causing Venom to laugh.
"Try us" he snarled.
"Jason, please don't do this" I whispered "Sparky, please, it pains me to eye you like this. I...love you"
I'm not sure it was because of my voice but his eyes changed...to his normal sky blue...the ones I fell in love with.
"Someone...get....this...poison....out...of....me!" Jason exclaimed.
I looked at Leo who clucked me the light dust. I quickly put it on my lips and dragged Jason off of his glider.
"NO!!" Venom yelled, trying to get us. He was only stopped by Annabeth who was trying to get him back.

Annabeth's POV

I stood between Percy/Venom and Piper and Jason.
"No you're not" I said "Percy, stop, this isn't you"
"You don't even know who me is!" Percy snapped.
"Yes I do"
"No you don't!" He yelled "This is your fault, this is the real me so you better get used to it"
I froze, please no.
I saw a flash in the corner of my eye to see Piper with a now normal looking Jason and...Nyx?!!?
Venom turned to Nyx with surprise.
"I'm quiet surprised you trust Nyx" Venom said "After all, she is the one who made my dream a reality"
"This is not your dream, fight it mate" Jason said "I know what you're going through, it's not nice, just fight it, think about something-"
"Important? I don't have anyone" Venom spat.
That broke my heart.
I love Leo but Percy will always have a place in my heart and it breaks me to see my childhood friend like this.
"You have us" Frank said.
"Since when did YOU GUYS have MY back?" Venom spat. I went back to Piper and the others. Nyx stood in front of us.
"You're stronger than this" Nyx said.
"Am I now?" Venom said, amused.
"I know you are,you're one of the most powerful demigods in all history, if Jason can fight this you can" Nyx said.
"And why would I want to do that?" Venom said "Aoffaoraorlofaro los loiy ca ram o famanof glof, iyaao'mo raoniy a caf's orlo sos naasaf af fgliy faaciy" and webbed off, leaving a shell shooked Nyx.
All of us were happily hugging our lost friend.
"I'm fine, just let go of me!" Jason exclaimed.
I looked at Nyx who was still standing in that spot.
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
She turned around.
"Did you know what he said?" Nyx asked.
We all shook our heads.
"He said 'unbelievable what they do for a broken man, you're lucky I don't have that poison in my body'"

I'm sorry this isn't one of my big chapters but my other one was almost 4000 words so can you forgive me?

Pretty please with a blue cherry on top?

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