100 - You're My Soulmate?

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(Requested by @I_C_B_A  . Here is where I usually list all the reasons why I'm a horrible human being who hasn't updated, but I figure you guys have probably got the gist of it by now. So I'll save y'all the sob story. Enjoy)

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Will had given up on finding his soulmate at this point. He was one of the one's with not great odds, seeing as the words inscribed on his chest over his heart were 'I'm going to die'. So even if they did meet, his soulmate wasn't planning on sticking around.

His marking was one of the reasons he was attending med school. If it was because his soulmate was gravely ill, he wanted to maybe heal them and give them a future. He also figured he'd have a higher chance of meeting someone who was dying at the hospital.

It didn't help that he was bi. When he turned seventeen and the words appeared, he had begun dating other people, his way of dealing with the eventual loss. Of giving up on the hope of that forever someone. Fuck the system. But figuring this out meant that while most people were narrowed down to one specific gender and had an easier time finding their true love, he had twice as many prospects.

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It was his first class of his third year at uni. Will had arrived twenty minutes early as usual. The seat beside him was empty, but he wasn't complaining. The lecture started so he pulled out his multitude of coloured pens to take meticulous, colour coded notes.

The door swung open half hour into the class and Will stared at the tall guy with the blackest hair he'd ever seen, pulled back in a bun, scan the room for a seat, eyes landing on Will before making his way over. He was hot, but also late, disruptive, and Will was paying hard earned money for his education. He was not about to let others take away from that.

When they sat down beside him, accidentally hitting Will's arm with his bag, Will had to do his best to hold back the frustrated growl. Instead of taking out a notebook or laptop, they unscrewed the lid of a coffee thermos and pulled a redbull out of their bag, dumping it into the coffee.

Will wasn't even trying to hide his stare or look of utter confusion at this point. The boy put the lid on, gave it a few swirls and stared him straight in the eyes. "I'm going to die." And then started guzzling his concoction.

"You're an idiot!" Will said as loudly as he could without being disruptive, whacking the boy over the head. His face had gone pale when Will spoke. Simultaneously they pulled down the collar of their shirts low enough so the words could be read. "Meet after class?"

The boy nodded, smiling faintly.

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It was the longest class Will had had to endure in his life, and in the end, they probably could have just ditched because Will had spent more time studying is soulmate than listening to the prof.

They walked outside together and sat down on the grass in the sunshine. "I'm Will Solace." He stuck his hand out as soon as they had been situated on the ground. Will had played through a million different scenarios in his head of what this moment would be like when he was younger. Not even in his wildest dreams had he ever thought it could be like this. "Are you actually dying?"

"Nico di Angelo, and no, I'm not." His grin never turned into anything bigger, contrasting Will's 100-watt smile, but he did link their fingers together hesitantly instead of shaking his hand.

A huge weight lifted off Will's chest, a burden he had been carrying around for as long as he could remember. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I thought that- never mind," he smiled again. "It's good to finally meet you, alive and healthy. Wow. I umm, just. You're my soulmate?" Will still couldn't believe this was happening.

"I'm your soulmate," he confirmed, suddenly hit with the seriousness of the realization. "I-is that okay?" His insecurities coming out. The system was far from perfect. Two people could be made for each other, but maybe their life plans didn't align, or they lost interest, or they just weren't in a place to handle the situation. There were just as many cases of two people separating or not working out as there were happily ever afters. Falling in love wasn't set in stone.

"I think I can be quite content with this." Will gave him a soft look before squinting, a frown coming across his face."I do have some serious qualms about your beverage consumption."

(A/N: So yesterday I posted the first part of the blind!Will au I started in this book and decided to continue. The book is called Seeing You if you wanted to go ceck that out :) It's not a full chapter that was updated, but I'm hoping to get one out sometime next week...)

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