Midnight Mochas

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Nico stood behind the counter and threw his sharpie in the air, catching it and throwing it again. This had been the source of his entertainment for the past hour as the store had been dead quiet. Only three more minutes until he had to close, and if a single person stepped inside and delayed his going home, he was going to scream. Thirty seconds until he was allowed to lock the doors and switch the sign to closed. He had just started to pull his dark red apron off when he heard the door chime.

His back was to the counter so he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, plastering on his very fake customer smile and turning around. "What can I get for you?" He was supposed to be closing up right now so that he could go home and enjoy his solitude.

"Can I please get a medium triple shot white mocha please?"

"Name?" Nico rung it into the till and uncapped the sharpie, staring expectantly at the blond across the counter.

"I'm literally the only one in this cafe right now." The guy rolled his eyes and smiled, walking over to the pickup counter.

Nico finished as quickly as he could, knowing that as soon as the man stepped out the door, he could close up and peace the heck out. "One white mocha for I'm literally the only one in this cafe right now" He placed it on the counter and began shutting down all the machines. He called a goodnight to the blond, but he didn't actually say it very loudly, and judging by the lack of response, he didn't think he was heard. Whipping off his apron, he gave all the tables one final wipe before locking the door and turning off all the lights.

- - - - -

The blond's appearance had become a routine, Tuesday and Thursday night showing up just before closing, but it no longer irritated Nico. Instead, he would already have the mocha ready to go just as the man walked in. Every time, he'd ask for a name, and every time all he got was a ridiculous response. So far he'd been Voldemort (Nico wrote down 'He who shall not be named', not wanting to anger the dark lord), Batman, Your Mom, Cleopatra, and other various people.

Tonight, he had just finished making the drink right as the clock changed to 11:58pm, the man's usual time of arrival, but the door remained shut and the cafe empty. 11:59...12:00 Nico gave up hope of seeing him and took a sip of the drink, claiming it as his own as he went and locked both the office door and front door, sticking his phone and keys by his jacket so he wouldn't forget them. He had wiped down all the tables and chairs and display case, and was just about to shut down all the machines when he heard a knock on the door.

Now, Nico is someone that people might consider intimidating. Sure he worked in a cafe, but he had piercings, tattoos, wore all black, and wasn't exactly know for his charming smile. But he also wasn't an idiot. The cafe wasn't in the best neighbourhood, it was midnight, and he was alone. So he thought fuck it and went and opened the door anyways, hoping it wasn't a murderer or robber.

Instead, he found the blond on the other side of the door, blood rushing from a deep gash by his eye. "So, I know you're closed, but I seem to have found myself in a predicament and need to borrow a phone as mine has been otherwise commandeered."

"What the hell?" Nico snapped out of it and moved to let the other man into the building, sitting him down on a chair before rushing to get a first aid kit.

"My phone and wallet were stolen and I need to borrow a phone so I can call my roommate. Do you have one I can use?" The blond quirked an eyebrow up at Nico before grimacing in pain from the cut.

"Yeah, of course, but you aren't leaving until I get your face cleaned up. I'm no doctor, but if you don't clean this it's definitely going to get infected. What happened?" Nico opened up the first aid kit, rummaging through until he found a pair of tweezers. The gash was full of dirt and small rocks that needed to be picked out before it healed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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