RWBY- The Meaning of Family

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A story episode of season 3 RWBY episode 4

Note: I just notice that it suppose to be a moment within the episode of season 3 chapter 4 but I took a different approach to it. So I hope you still enjoy my story regardless it's not really base off the episode that I wanted it to be. 

The Meaning of Family -RWBY

Everything is crumble.

All in places

There trying to get by

In there mission

Ruby, Juane ,Rin and Nora. Now Qrow

Qrow being the adult in the group keeping sure everyone is in check. They just got out of a battle from cinder's men. There were tired not only in worry for Qrow who got attacked badly. They had to take shelter somewhere. And they did. Qrow was getting treated for his wounds by the medic while the others waited and settle in. 

Ruby was dearly worried for her uncle. He means so much to her. He's like a second father to her. He has always been there for the girls especially for Ruby in tough times. When the news of there mother passing away took a whole turn and toll for them. But Ruby the most. She loved her mother very dearly. So So much. She cried herself.

 Qrow was there for her. He had always watched the girls in anyways possible. As he ca remember making sure both safe and out of harms way. There dad was always there but not very much since they went to the school. To train to be huntsman. So there dad won't worry as much. However, Qrow was always the bad influence in the eyes of others. So careless of others and a bad drinking habit. Even looking like a mess with no care at all. But that is just him. After all, Ruby saw something in her uncle Qrow that nobody did. 

He has a heart and has a difficult way of showing it. Plus, he cares for his nieces so much that he would die for them in their place. So, they can live as he can die from protecting them. He has something to die for but not live. His Life was hell and broken. Many things had happened in his past life and current events. He doesn't talk about his life very much. He's a close book. A bad guy in the eyes of others but not for her.

 Ruby adores her uncle very much. She cares for him. Always thinks what he is up to most of the time. She means a lot to him. He is family after all. Qrow is family in Ruby's eyes. He has a family with him. Ruby wants him to know that. He isn't alone. Never alone. Anymore. Qrow does not need to die for his family because his family wants him around. They want him to live for something too rather than die. 

Ruby wants Qrow to live not die. She cares for him too much. Her world is him in it. There is so much to say but can't express it in words. Right now, her uncle is fighting for his life. The medics are doing the best they can to prevent anything worse. Which one thing that most don't want to hear or face. Even feel it. Not lose hope yet. There is still light at the end of the tunnel. It will come. Everything will resolve shortly. But the answer is... when...? how...? Where!? 

'I want my uncle to live!!' screaming through her thoughts while collectively calm in the outside. Covering her panic with being calm. Not show any weakness right now. 

She has to remain strong. Strong for her uncle Qrow. So strong that it is the last thing to held on to for final hope. 

The tiny hope. 

Until then, Right now hopping it goes okay. Ruby's friends know how much her uncle means to her. They even gotten along with him well. Qrow is the adult in the group to know there still good in the world. 

After what had happened back at the academy and professor Ozpin went missing. During an ambush battle, things were out of control to people and students defending their school against them. Qrow show up as fast as he could to help out and protect the girls. But he was too later to protect one which was yang that lost her arm. 

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