Chapter 1

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Screams and moans echo around Yoru as he swings his scythe, slicing through the thick silver armor of his opponents. His black armor is stained with crimson blood of the unbelievable beasts the opposing army released onto him. Yoru's scythe glided through their flesh and bone effortlessly. The ebony blade tore through all that the was in its path. Yuro smiled as the number of opponents lessened. Every hour that passed weakened both armies. Yuro looked about him as his comrades fell to the ground, limb missing, swords and arrows embedded in their torsos. Yoru heard the blare of a horn coming from his base camp; he turned and saw smoke. He nodded and began walking away from the battle field, a mistake that would cost him a great price.

Yoru fell to his knees as a spear pierced his chest, barely missing his heart. Yoru stood up and turned to see a warrior standing, his left arm clinging to him by a thread of meat. Yoru cringed as he broke off the end of the arrow that stuck out from his chest; he thanked the gods for his immunity to pain and cursed the warrior that injured him. The warrior drew his sword and challenged Yoru.

"Foolish heathen" Yoru bellowed as he removed his midnight helmet, his long dark blue hair falling down lazily about his waist in long messy curls "You dare challenge me to a duel?"

The warrior nodded and charged at Yoru; who lifted his scythe and blocked the blows of his opponent.

"I will not fight an injured man" Yoru stated swinging his scythe and knocking the one armed man to the bloodied ground.

"You are just scared; you know I can defeat you with just one arm," the warrior boasted. Yoru stepped up to the one armed warrior and sliced off his other arm.

"Now you have no reason to fight me; you have nothing you can used to fight me with"

The warrior glared at Yoru and shouted, "Bring it you heathen!"

"You have no arms, you cannot fight me"

"What are talking about?" the warrior asked. Yoru shook his head and dropped his scythe.

"ARE YOU MAD?! You've got no arms left!" Yoru exclaimed.

"Yes I do" the warrior replied.

"Then what is that?" Yoru challenged pointing at the severed arms laying on the ground.

"Tis nothing, it’s just a flesh wound"

Yoru shook his head getting annoyed. He bent down to pick up his scythe and found it was no longer laying on the ground beside him. He found a young boy dragging his scythe up a steep hill to a large white horse with a man donning a long white rob with a red cross. Yoru pushed the armless warrior to the ground and ran after the child. The warrior laughed as Yoru tried to reclaim his scythe.

"Stop child! Bring that back me! I will reward you handsomely if you do so!" Yoru tempted the child with his bribes of money and food, but the child looked back at the man on the horse and brought him the scythe. As Yoru ran up the hill, his heavy armor dragged him down; he dug his hands into the soft earth and crawled. The man on the horse smiled and waved his hands. Yoru found himself surrounded by a group of warriors dressed in white armor. Yoru prayed to the gods for mercy on his soul and for his daughter, Yuri, to be kept safe from anything that may cause harm to his country. Yoru cried out for the gods to punish all those that have wronged him as a sword was plunged into his heart. Yoru laid in the mud lifeless as a young warrior used Yoru's scythe to cut off his head. Blood puddle around his chest and neck wound as his head rolled down the hill. The warriors laughed and stabbed their swords into his lifeless corpse. They walked down the hill, kicking the severed head out of their path. Yoru's blood soaked into the ground as time passed. His soul fought to stay in its body, but it was useless; without his head his soul could not stay. Finally death himself came to drag Yoru into the afterlife.

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