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Two people were seen walking together doing he street. Kuroko knew who they were it was Furihata and Akashi. His heart shatter tears coming down his cheek. There was a lot of mixed feelings in him.


"What did I do wrong?"

"Should I have tried harder?"

"Was my love not enough?"

"I love you."

"I hate you."

"I love you very much."

"I hate you."

"Don't leave me. I love you."

"I love you so much I want to kill you."

Kuroko eyes widen. He breathing was rough and he was sweating. He wipe his sweat and calmed down. He looked out the window and notice that it was evening. He got up and took a shower.


Kuroko arrives at uncle mansion...

"I'm glad your here Kuroko Tetsuya. Did you decide already. Once you join me you can't go back." Uncle said.

"Yes. I've decided to join this organization. I don't regret it." Kuroko repley.

"Alright then. Mayuzumi Chihuro. Will be the one who will serve you. You can just ask him and tell him to do anything you want." Uncle smiled.

"Why do I need someone to serve me. I don't need him." Kuroko said coldy.

"I'm the boss of this place. You will listen to what I tell you. Your my special guest now one of my special workers do not defy me or else something will happen to you." Uncle said emotionless.

"Alright..." Kuroko turned around to leave but was block by someone. His eyes widen. The person had bowed down to him in a propose married thingy. One hand on his chest.

"My name is Mayuzumi Chihiro. I'll be serving you until the day I die." Mayuzumi said.

"Fine. But don't get in my way. If you do I'll abandon you." Kuroko looked down at him.

"Yes." Mayuzumi repley.


Kuroko turned off the shower and get out and wrapped himself with a towel. Someone knock on the door.

"Kuroko-Sama I'll leave your clothes here." Mayuzumi said than walked away.

Kuroko wore the clothes that Mayuzumi gave him it was the same clothes that he wore yesterday but Mayuzumi cleaned it for him. He got out of the bathroom and called for Mayuzumi.

"Yes, what do you need Kuroko-sama." Mayuzumi bowed.

"Stop calling me that call me Kuroko. It's weird. Also stop bowing stand." Kuroko said.

"But-" he was cut.

"Stand. Beside didn't Uncle said I could tell you to do anything I want." Kuroko darken.

"Y-yes." Mayuzumi stood up.

"Mayuzumi, so whats today job." Kuroko looked at him.


Akashi sat on his desk with pile of paper on his desk. He tried to concentrate but couldn't. He rubed his head and sigh.

Flashback of what happens yesterday came to him.


"It was those two fault." Kuroko poined at Furihata. 

"I see....Akashi gave it to you. Well it don't matter anyway was trash to me. You can have it." Kuroko said coldly. Furihata flinch 

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