Change chapter 13

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When Kuroko exit the entrance police surround him pointing their gun at him. A loud speaker spoke.

"The Phantom this is the police you are surrounded drop your gun or we'll shoot." Imayoshi said.

Kuroko didn't say anything instead he grabbed his hands to his face. The police flinch at the sudden movement they put their hands on the trigger. Kuroko pull off his mask revealing his true face. Their eyes were widen in shock.

There stood a young boy with a beautiful face. His skin was pale and lips were pink rosy. He had the prettiest sky blue hair. Kuroko open his eyes revealing round blue sky eyes. Kuroko looked up at the sky that was still blue and starting to turn red-orange.

All the police were shocked at how beautiful the boy was some of them blush and shock to say anything.

"My name is Kuroko Tetsuya. The Phantom." Kuroko said.


There was silence in the air. Why was this young boy reveling himself to the whole world? What was he planning? Why is a young boy like him killing people? These thoughts went through the police officer head.

"You what are you planning." Imayoshi said. Kuroko turned to him.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to tell you all that in 30 second this place will explode. You better hurry up and tell your group to come back." Kuroko smiled.

"What if your lying?" Imayoshi said.

"I'm not. What do you think I came here for?" Kuroko tilted his head.

Imayoshi eyed him suspicious. But what If Kuroko was lying.

"Sakurai call the team to come back." Imayoshi said.

"B-but." Sakurai studded.

"It's fine do it. We can't afford to lose more men." Imayoshi said. Sakurai nodded his head. He went into the car and used his wallow talkie to call the team back.

What is this boy trying to do? Imayoshi thought inside his head. He felt a sweat trail down his face.

"Put your gun down. Right now we have to evacuate this place." Imayoshi instructed.

The people surrounding Kuroko hesitated and pointed down their gun. Except for one person he was shaking and glaring at Kuroko.

"Hey didn't you hear Imayoshi he said to put your gun down." A person said to the shaking person.

"No...I won't he killed one of my friend. I won't let him run. What If he kill us..." he was sweating a lot.

"Stop don't do anything stupid." A person said.

"Shut up! I won't let this monster run! I'll kill him right now!" He shooted he pull the trigger.

"Stop!" Someone shouted.

"Don't shoot him!" Kuroko reginized that voice.

Suddenly a loud noise rang through the air. Kuroko eyes widen as someone hugged him and fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Blood was on Kuroko black shirt even though you couldn't really see it. There was a lot of it. Kuroko looked down and saw Akashi lifeless body on the floor.

"Akashi..." Kuroko world started to blur. He bent down with his shaking hands touching Akashi body.
There was a pool of blood starting to cover the floor red.

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