Change chapter 23

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Kuroko drag Hanamiya bloody body out onto the street.

People screamed as Kuroko threw his body onto the cement ground.

Kuroko eyes were emotionless. He stared at the bloody knife in his hand.

"Next is Father." Kuroko whisper.

"Stop! Your under arrest for killing!" A police man shouted pointing a gun at him.

Kuroko sigh and ignore the man walking away.

"Wait!" He shouted as Kuroko turn to a corner.

The man tried to chase after him. When he turn where Kuroko went he was gone.


Akashi watch the TV screen out the store window. There was a burning building on the news.

People Screaming and  running was all over. But something caught his eyes when the camera zoom on someone.

"Tetsuya!" Akashi eyes widen when he saw Kuroko bloody figure throwing someone onto the ground.

Akashi clench his fist as he quickly went to the place where Kuroko was heading.


Kuroko walked into the forest when he got closer to the abandon building he secretly hid behind a tree.

There he saw father had just enter the abandon building. Leaving the other bodyguards to guard the door.

Kuroko grab his gun and quickly put ammo in it.

He was really doing this. He was going to kill again.


Kuroko quickly shook his head.

Why the hell was he thinking of Akashi?

Kuroko stood up and grab his knife and charge at the men before they could pull the trigger.

He cut one of their necks covering their mouth then the other one he threw a knife at his head.

He swipe his knife as the blood splatter the grass.

He quickly went to chase after father.

When he got inside it was dark and very quiet. The door suddenly shut behind him.

It was a trap.

There was a click and the lights were turned on.

"Welcome Kuroko. I'm glad you came to this place." Father said as guns were pointed at him around the room.

Kuroko glare at the man.

"Didn't I tell you already once you join me you can never go back? I knew one day you would betray me. That's why I set a trap here." Father smirk.

"I'll kill you." Kuroko said.

"And then what? After you kill me what will you do? Your a criminal now. You can never go back to that boy you love." He said.

Kuroko flinch as Akashi appear in his mind.


He shook his head to get rid of the memory.

"Don't bring him into this!" Kuroko glared.

Father shooted at him as Kuroko jump away from getting hit.

"Did you know I've always had my eyes on you and your friends. But what caught my eyes the most was you? I knew you would be the best killer I would ever make. That's why I had to get rid of the people you love but who would have thought you jump off a building and you came right into my hands." He laughed.

Change (Akakuro) ✅Where stories live. Discover now