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Akashi P.O.V
When...when was it that I stopped loving Kuroko.

That's right it was when I met Furihata at the flower shop. The one where Kuroko and me always go to for my mother death anneversity.

At first Furihata was scared of me but the clumsiness and smile he gave made my heart skip for some reason.

"Akashi this is Furihata if you remember he was the one who faced you at the winter cup." Kuroko Said.

"He did?" I looked at Furihata who was shaking with a weird face.

"Chihuahua..." I thought but didn't say it out loud.

"Nice to meet you I'm Akashi Seijurou." I stick my hand out to him.

He shook but hesitantly took it.

"Y-Yes I'm Furihata Kouki." He said.

"I never knew this shop was yours. I'm impressed." I smiled.

I noticed his face was red he was embarrassed. I thought how funny he was.

"Akahi we should hurry. Furihata can we have a bouquet arranged by you." Kuroko asked.

"Y-Yes! Who's its f-for?" Furihata Said.

"My mother death anniversary." I Said.

"O-oh I'm sorry!" Furihata bowed.

"No, it's fine." I smiled.

After that Furihata made a bouquet of pink tulips flowers beautifully.

"Thank you Furihata. I'm glad we're friends. Let's go Sei." Kuroko smiled.

He grabbed my hands as we walked  the door.

"Yeah." I Said. As I follow him but my eyes never left Furihata who was also looking at me with his face red.

"Akashi can you please give this to Fuhara for me." Kuroko Said.

"This?" Akashi looked at the enveloped.

"Furihata needed some money because there's a leak on the room and he doesn't have enough to fix it." Kuroko explainer.

"That's why please give this to him. I have to go to work." Kuroko Said.

"Alright." I Said.

"Bye Sei. See you later." Kuroko kisses my cheek.

I also kissed his cheek back. I watch as he leave the room.

I looked at the envolpoed and also exit the house.

P.O.V End

When he arrived at the flower shop he enter the shop but no one was there. He looked around by eshop and saw lots of healthy flowers place near and tidy.

Akashi was about to leave but he heard some noises in the storage room. Curious he followed the noise.

Akashi came to a stop at a door where the noise was coming from. He open the door revealing Furihata on a ladder trying to grab a box.

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