Change chapter 11

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Akane: Akashi had finally found him. Yay!!!!!

Blood splatter on the walls and ground. Everywhere. Akashi felt like he wanted to puke.

Then he saw a flash of blue. His eyes widen he looked up and saw him. One of his mask had a crack and was broken. Revealing one of his blue emotionless eyes.

Akashi had found him.


Kuroko mask was crack some of the pieces were starting to fall off. Kuroko stared at the dead body emotionless. Akashi noticed something was wrong with Kuroko.

"Tetsuya." Akashi called out to him.

Kuroko raised his head up and their eyes met. Kuroko tilted his head at Akashi.

"Akashi? What are you doing here?" Kuroko said. His eyes widen a bit.

"Kuroko I'm here to take you home." Akashi said.

"Home? What home are you talking about?" Kuroko voice darken.

"Our apartment where you and me live. Everyone waiting for you. Kagami, Aomine, Murasakibara,Kise, Midorima, and the others too." Akashi said.

"No. I'm not returning to that trashy place." Kuroko said. Kuroko pointed one of his gun at Akashi.

Akashi felt a stab in his heart. But he stood still he didn't felt afraid if he were to get shot. Maybe it was because it was Kuroko.

"Kuroko I know I have hurted you very much. And I plan to make things right. I want us to start over again. I plan to stop this affair with Furihata. Because all I can think about is you right now." Akashi face held sad emotion to Kuroko.

"Your lying." Kuroko glare at him.

"I'm not. You can shoot me to prove that I'm saying the truth. You wanted to kill me right then..I'll let you." Akashi spread out his arms he looked at Kuroko seriously. Kuroko eyes widen more. He wanted to pull the trigger but he noticed his hands were shaking. Akashi took a step closer to Kuroko.

Akashi was right here. I wanted to kill him for revenge right? But why can't I pull the trigger. Why am I hesitating. Why! Why! Why!

"Tetsuya I lov-"

"DONT SAY IT! I don't want to hear it!! Shut up!!!Shut up!!" Kuroko scream. Kuroko cover his ears he didn't want to hear anything. They were all lies! Lies! He drop his gun on the floor.

'No Kuroko your not allow to go anywhere if I say so. Remember you have to listen to me now. You can never returned to them. So just fall into the darkness more and more. Until all the lights are gone. Okay?' Uncle words repeat.

"So kill them."Uncle was smiling in madness.

"No! No! I won't kill them! I won't!" Kuroko fell into the floor still cover his ears.

"Tetsuya...what's wrong?" Akashi called out but Kuroko wasn't listening. He was covering his ears afraid of something. His eyes were widen in fear and he was shaking.

"It's your fault." Someone pointed at him.

"I don't want to die. Why did you kill me!" The person scream.

Change (Akakuro) ✅Where stories live. Discover now