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Fire. Her life had always contained all aspects of fire. The fire she had in her mind that possessed her to speak unspeakable thoughts. The fire she had in her bones that influenced her every mistakable move. Or even the fire in her eyes, when glaring at the things she loved most, but no one was ever lucky enough to see it for themselves.

Taylor Steele had issues. This was a commonly known fact, she had issues so great they would begin to make your own issues look remotely enjoyable. Taylor was known for her cold-hearted, unsympathetic and uninterested attitude. Never did she care for the pain of others, even though the majority of the time she was the cause of this pain. Due to no fault of her own she had become merciless, and her reputation was darker than any secret you could hold.

Harrogate high school had been her place of torment for five long years. For a 17 year old girl she had been in more trouble than she could recall and spent more time outside of lessons than she did actually in them. But she didn't mind, she had gotten used to the disapproving looks and disappointed lectures she was constantly given, and if we were truly being honest everyone had given up on trying.

Taylor POV
It was a typical Tuesday, it started out how all Tuesday's start. I had woken up at 9, already late for my first class, upon seeing my lateness I stormed out of bed and headed to the bathroom beginning to brush my teeth with my index finger, whilst grabbing a clean pair of ripped jeans and a clean plain black top, after I had changed I slumped into my favourite pair of black Doc Martins and raced out of the door brushing my hair with my left hand whilst jumbling through my backpack to find my keys with the other. After throwing my things into the car my body followed, I reversed with force and screeched up the road leaving a trail of smoke behind me.

I had walked into class, head held high expecting a lecture for my lateness. Nothing. That was fairly odd I thought to myself whilst taking my regular seat at the very back of the class and slumping down in the chair. After an hour of boredom I made my way to the door before being abruptly blocked by the teacher. Mr. Beaver had a name quite fitting for his facial features, his two front teeth poked out from below his top lip and his face was in this constant crunched up manor that only made it easier to mock him. "Would you care to explain your absence this morning Miss. Steele?" I glared at the small chubby man standing in the doorway and wondered how long he had had his fly down for. "No" I calmly responded as I nudged past his shoulder and made my way into the crowded hallways.

I was known as the schools 'bad girl', I was given respect everywhere that I went, everybody knew my name and that was the way I liked it.

My friends shared similar interests with me; Smoking, drinking, mentally and occasionally physically abusing people. Our idea of fun was a party surrounded by hot smoke and even hotter people. "So I presume you are going tonight?" Cole asked me. Cole was one of my oldest and closest friends and was known to be my partner in crime. "Going where exactly?" I responded. "To Kaitlyns party! Its supposed to be one of the best parties this term" He said sounding enthused. "Isn't Kaitlyn like a full blown psychopath?" I asked not realising how hypocritical that sounded. "Yeah, but the crazy ones are always more fun"He smirked before returning to his cigarette and inhaling a small drag before releasing the smoke back into the cold winter air. "Pick me up at 9" I bluntly said sounding anything but excited. We partied almost every night, tonight would be no exception, but sometimes I couldn't help feeling the urge to just say no. I couldn't say no.

Taylor POV

It was 9:15, as much as I loved being late for school being late for parties was not as much fun. Eventually Cole showed up outside, breaking almost instantly and causing a horrid screeching noise to echo throughout the dark, dimly lit street. I ran out to him throwing myself in the front seat and signalling for him to drive. "Why were you late asshole?" I questioned. "I had other things to attend to if you know what I mean" He winked. "Sometimes I forget how gross you are" I said with a smirk. I knew exactly what Cole's reputation was. I lit a cigarette and took a few puffs whilst staring out of the window overlooking the city and all of its lights.

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