" Oppa we have to start our mission, you know the reason why we are here right" Tahiba said what a evil smirk
"oh ya that is the mission again" kookie asked with a confuse face
" Oh my God don't tell me u already forgot" Tahiba said
" ya I kinda forgot" kookie said
"ok I will tell u, and this the last time I am telling u oppa" Tahiba said
"ok ok jagiya (love)" kookie said
"ok so Jimin eomma called me and said Y/N and Jimin getting married when they come back from Japan after two month , so she asked us if we can do something so they can get close to each other " Tahiba explained
"Ohh now I remember" kookie said
"but I don't know how to start it" Tahiba said
" easy just put them in the same room and lock the door and don't let them come out from the room" kookie said
"uhhh no kookie that's not how u do it" Tahiba said
" haha I was just kidding" kookie said with said bunny smile
" haha I know that " Tahiba said kissed kookies cheek
and kookie did the same
In the kitchenI was placing food on the table
I don't know what Jimin was doing he was just sitting there staring at me while I was doing all the work
(*I swear if keep staring at me like this I will smack him in the face *)" i am done go call them" I said
" i dont wanna I am tired" Jimin said
"Huh u are tired? u didn't even do anything " I said
" shut up before I kiss u" Jimin said and left the kitchen(*My eyes widen, w-what he just said
what is wrong with him , he is probably playing around *)Then Tahiba and kookie came
"Tahiba come and sit next to me" I said with a smile" Oh sorry happiness kookie wants me to sit next to him Tahiba said
"but don't worry Jimin will sit next to u" Tahiba said with a evil smile(* why do I feel like something is not right here and oh no i dont wanna sit next to jimin*)
befor I could say anything Jimin sat next to me
"parfact now let's eat" Tahiba said with a big smile
The dinner was a silent dinner no one talked until kookie broke the silent
" yah hyung we are staying here tonight" kookie said with evil a smile and looked at Tahiba
"ok sure no problem" Jimin said
" then me and kookie gonna sleep in ur room and you go sleep in Y/N room" Tahiba said with evil smileI almost chocked when I heard that
(*what no away*)
I widen my eyes
"no away I am sleeping with him" I said
"sweetie please do it for me " Tahiba said and made a cute face" well I am not sleeping with her" Jimin said
"Jiminie shut it , if u say anything else, you see this water I will throw it at ur face " Tahiba said
"wait, wait u guys are not even married , so u and kookie can't sleep together "" Do i look like I care" Tahiba said
" Hyung we are sleeping in ur room and ur sleeping with Y/N and that's final" kookie said"alright fine" Jimin said
even tho jimin was acting that he dosent wanna sleep with Y/N but she was happy from inside
(* omg I will die tonight *)
After the dinner
we were watching traditional kdrama . it's called Hwarang. it's a new kdrama and I fall in love with that drama . I didn't know Tahiba love it too.
so we decided to watch Hwarang. we were in ep 10. The drama is acually good. I like the king but I also ship Sun woo and Ah roa together.
when ever I look at Jimin I could see he has no interest in that drama. but he is only watching bc of Tahiba .
Is he scared of her or something?
In the end of ep 10 Ah roa confess her feelings to Sun Woo and he kissed her.
me and Tahiba screamed bc that was so cute"ahhh my ear stop scariming " Jimin said
" whats so good about that drama it was so boring" Jimin said
" shut up jimin , you got no jam" Tahiba said
"yahhh" Jimin said"guys let's go to sleep it already past 12" I said
"ok good night " Tahiba said
"goodnight" I said and hugged herI went to my room and was about to close my door then suddenly Jimin came in my room and locked the door
" yah what are u doing here" I asked " "don't tell me u already forgot that we have to sleep together tonight " Jimin said with a smirk
"oh well then u have to sleep on the floor" I said
"well no I am sleeping in the bed and ur sleeping on the floor" Jimin said
" yah this is my bed not urs" I said" Then let's just sleep in the same bed" Jimin said as he pushed me on the bed and layed next to me and hugged me tightly and close his eyes
"Yah ..... let go" i said in shocked
I tried to pull myself from his embrance but he hugged me tighter and tighter
so I gave up
he pulled me closer gently, he was worm
and somehow my heart started to beat again
I look at his face
he was like angel ... he looked so innocent(* how can you be an angel at night and a jark in the morning *)
I was admiring him for a while
suddenly ..... he open his eyes" stop staring at me" Jimin said
"I -I wasn't" i said
" lying is not allowed in this house..... want to be punished " Jimin smirk
"what" my heart started to beating like crazyi could feel something bad is coming
he came close to me then he brushed my hair back and move in so close
I could feel his hot breath
then I felt his lip on mine
The kisses became rough .....
Is this a dream
A/N: so here is chapter 7 I hope u like it and please vote and guys I will be publisheing a new Jungkook ff the tittle is The Unloved. The ff is coming soon please read it love u guys all 💖💖💖💖💖💖

House of card
Fanfictionjimin fanfic and this is my first time writing fanfic and if i make any mistake please forgive me