Chapter 5

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D-Did he just call me babe
Oh My God
He is crazy
Why is he calling me that
Ahhh I am going crazy
I look at his notebook and i opened it

In the notebook Jimin draw my face and put mustache on my face and above the drawing it say how Y/N look like

Then jimin came in my room again and took the notebook
"I forgot that I already did my homework " Jimin said
" because u look like that" Jimin said and start laughing
"YOU JARK" I screamed and throw my pillow at him
"haha anyway goodnight dear"Jimin said and left the room
"Huh Dear"I said it in my mined
oh my god he is wired
I better go to sleep before I go crazy

                Jimin point of view

I can't sleep thinking of me and Y/N two months together. I feel guilty  for doing evey bad thing I do to her but my eye only see her and my heart beats for her.
I got up and walk tower her room
I open her door and quietly went in. I looked  at her beautiful  sleeping face
"Cute" I murmered under my breath
now I can sleep,seeing her face makes me dream about her
                  Next morning
I woke up in Y/N room and saw Y/N sleeping
Jimin leans in and quietly pecks her lip, she flinched
Aisshh I want to touch you more but you wouldn't  let me

               Y/N point of view
I  felt something soft on my lip. I turned
I was dreaming about something when all of a sudden Jimin entered my dream he was so kind, soft and .........PERVERTED
I screamed
my eye shot wide open when he gave me a pasionate kiss
Thank God it was a dream,nevermind more like a nightmare

Eomma ran up to my room
"Are you ok? where is that prevert? I will call the cops!!" eomma said and had an worried expression on her face
"Eomma there is no pervert and no need for cops" I said trying to calm her down
"I had a bad dream" I explained to her
"are u ok? do u want to talk about it" eomma asked
"I am ok and it's really a stupid dream" I said
"well let's go for brackfast eveyone is waiting, wash up and come down when your ready" eomma said and left the room
I went to the bathroom to wash up
I slid my finger across my lip
"It felt so real, well whatever"
I changed into some some shorts and white T-shirt
I walked down the stairs and sat next to eomma
Jimin was looking at me  licking his lips
"Is there something wrong"I said looking at him
"Maybe" Jimin smirk
"what is wrong with you today"I asked and give him ur wired look
then eomma came
"What are u guys talking about"eomma asked    
"Eomma your son is wired"I said looking at him
"Eomma this girl is crazy you know last night I hard wired noise coming from her room, maybe she was snoring or something" Jimin said with an evil smirk

"YAH I don't snore" I said
"Do you have prove" Jimin said
"Both of you stop" eomma said
"we cant go to Japan if you guys act like this" eomma said she was mad

"sorry eomma" I said
"ya whatever " Jimin said and rolled his eye
"and Jimin why are being mean to her"Eomma asked
"because I love teasing her" Jimin said with a stupid smile
Eomma rolled her eye
"anyway we are leaving in 20 min hurry up and finish eating" eomma said

                 After brackfast

I hugged eomma then Jimin hugged her
"Jimin make sure she dosent get hurt and don't fight" Jimin eomma said
"ok ok" Jimin said
"ok I am going now b-" before  eomma could finish her sentence I hugged eomma again

"aww what is it Y/N" eomma asked
"have a safe trip and please come back soon" I said with a sad voice

"ok we will and don't be sad Jimin is here with you" eomma said with a smile
ya sure if only  she knews what he dose I said in my head
we have to go appa shout from the car
"ok we are going bye and have fun"Eomma said and got into the car
fun my ass I said in my mined
"!!BYE!!"I shout
"Ahhh my ear" Jimin said sarcastically
I just ignore him and wave at them
The car drive away, it became little dot and it disappeared
I started to feel to feel lonely
Me and Jimin went insid the house and I  close the door
I was about to go in my room suddenly Jimin grabbed my hand and drag me to his room and locked the door behind him
"YAH w-what are you d-doing" I  asked  and my heart start to beating again like last time


why  did  he drag me to his room

And why he locked the door

And again why my heart is beating so fast like last time

D-Do I like him .......

A/N: so this was chapter 5 I hope u like it and chapter 6 will be out next week and please vote for my chapter 😊😊😊😊

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