Chapter 6

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D-Do I like him
No away
since when , how
How could I fall in love with him
Stupid me
I was lost in my thoughts
"Yah Y/N" Jimin said snap me out of my thoughts
"W-What " I said still nervous because he was  so close
"I have something to ask you"Jimin said with a serious face
"W-what" at this point  I could feel his got breath on my neck
"Did you have ur first kiss" Jimin wishpered in my ear and I could feel he is smirking
"N-No" I pushed him away
"why are u asking me this all of a sudden " I asked with with a confused face
"No reason"he replied
"Can I leave now" I asked

(*God please help me I am going crazy*)

I was about to open the door suddenly  he grabbed my hand again and turn me around to face him

"Yah w-what are u doing"I asked
he came close to me again
"Since when you became so pretty" Jimin asked with a smirk

"w-what" I asked and widen my eyes
"umm....did u really believe that" Jimin said with a smirk

"A-Ani (no)" I said as my face turned red
"Then why is your  face so red"Jimin asked
"Did u drag me here just to make fun of me"I said
"wae (why), did you expected me to kiss u" Jimin said with a smirk
" what the fuck, no" I said
" I am leaving " I said and about to go
"no wait" Jimin said
" Mr park fucking Jimin what do u want know" I said annoyingly

"Ok first of all don't call me that, second of all my friend and his girlfriend are coming so make  food for them" Jimin said
"Huh u want me to make food" I asked
" Then who will do it jagiya (darling)" Jimin said

(*Huh now he is calling me jagiya,  I swear he is crazy)

" Fine, if they don't like the food , don't blame me" I said and left his room

               Jimin point of view

she left the room. I wanted to kiss her but she looked scared so I didn't. I really wanna tell her that how much I love her. I guess it's not the time , I will tell her when it's the right time.I love the way she was blushing.Since we have two month together , I will make Y/N fall for me.
"Just u wait Y/N I will make sure  u fall in love with me" Jimin said with a evil smirk

              Y/N point of view

I ran to my room. oh my god I almost died there. out of all the boys why do i have  to fall in love with him. i have to keep it a secret because i know he will never like me . I was lost in mu thought and didn't know when I fall in  sleep

After 3 hours of sleeping it's was now evening

i was sleeping peacefully until someone was yelling my name. I open my eye then last thing I saw  Jimin was on top of me. I was half awake and half sleep so I didn't know what was going on. After 2 min when I was fully awake I came back to reality and realise Jimin was on top of me my eyes widen

"!!YAH!!"I screamed
" !!why are you on top of me!!"
"!!Get off me, Get off me!!" I screamed


Jimin cover my mouth with his hand
"shhhh" Jimin wishperd

"Ahhh my ear, my ear it's gonna bleed any moment now" Jimin sad sarcastically
"You really are annoying " Jimin said
" First tell me why are u on top of me" I said loudly
" yah didn't I tell u that my friend is coming and u have to make food" Jimin said

" but no ur sleeping here like u have nothing to do" jimins aid

"so I  decided to woke u up" Jimin said with a evil smile
" u don't wake someone like that " I yelled

"do u look like a care " Jimin said
"ok ok jotnamja ( dick guys)" I said
"  what did you call me " Jimin said and rising his eyebrow

I pushed him away and ran to the bathroom and looked the door
I could here Jimin from our side of the bathroom
" yah come out right now" Jimin yelled
" no I am not " I yelled back
" ok you will pay for this " Jimin yelled
" And my friend coming in next 30 min better go and make something" Jimin said and left the room

I came out from the bathroom
Thank God he is gone
(*Aisshh that pabo (stupid )*)
I better go make something for his so called friend

               In the kitchen

I was cooking peacefully until someone backhugged me
" hey jagiya( love)"
and yeah it was Jimin
"Y-Yah w-what are u doing, let me go" I said 
" can we stay like this for a bit" Jimin said with a low voice
(* is he playing with me again*)
" yah  I don't have time for ur game " I said

          suddenly door bell rang

"oh it's them" Jimin said and went to open the door
"Heyy kookie" Jimin yelled
(* Huh kookie is he talking to a food,  wait no it's Jungkook ya I know him the gay whose nickname is kookie and with bunny teeth *)
I went to my room since I don't wanna meet them

               In the living room

"it's been a long time kookie" Jimin said
"yeah it is hyung" kookie said with a smile
"and that must be ur gir-,wait" Jimin was in shook

"T-Tahiba y-your kookies girlfriend" Jimin said in a shook

" Hey Jiminie  whats up" Tahiba said with a smile

Tahiba was Jimin and Y/N cousin and they didn't know that She was dating kookie
" yah how come you never tell us " Jimin said
" it's a surprise pabo(stupid)" Tahiba said
" yah don't call me that" Jimin said
"ok ok" Tahiba said and squeeze Jimin cheek
" ahh that hurt , yah don't squeeze my cheek, go squeeze your boyfriend cheek" Jimin said
" yeah u can squeeze my cheek  I don't mind" kookie said with a smile and showing his bunny teeth

"ok oppa" Tahiba said and squeeze kookies cheek too
" Oh hyung where is Y/N"kookie asked
" ya  where is  my happiness " Tahiba said
(ya she call Y/N  happiness )
"in her room" Jimin said
"I will go and get her " Jimin said and went to Y/N room

                     In Y/N room

I was watching kdrama until someone came in my room
"Yah Y/N my friend wants to see u" Jimin said
"I am not going " I  said
" Oh well u are going " Jimin said and grabbed my hand and drag me to the living room

"Yah let me go" I yelled

"Hey happiness " some called me by my nickname
I looked to see who it was
A-And it was Tahiba
she is my eveything . she is like my big my big sister.i love her so much
"T-Tahiba" I said as my eye widen
"hey sweetie " Tahiba said with a big smile
I ran to her and hugged her
" i missed u so much" I said
" I missed you to happiness " Tahiba said
"wait so your Jungkooks girlfriend" I asked her  in surprise
"Nae(yes)" Tahiba said
" wow and u never told me " I said
" it supposed to be a surprise " Tahiba said
" wait Y/N please call me kookie " kookie said and joking the coverstation
"ok ok kookie monster" I said and smile
" guys stop talking loudly" Jimin said
kookie went to sit on the couch
"Tahiba sit next to me " kookie said with  a cute face
"ok oppa" Tahiba said and sit next to him
" I will go and bring the food and Y/N ur coming with me" Jimin said and dragged me to the kitchen
"Yah I can walk u know u don't have to drag me, yahh let me gooo" I yelled as he drag me to the kitchen

" This two never change " Tahiba said as she shake her head
" I know right they are so cute together" kookie said

"oppa we have to started our mission don't forget the reason  why we are here right" Tahiba  said with a evil  smirk .......

A/N : so this is chapter 6 I hope u like it and please vote  😊😊😊

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