Chapter 14

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Author note:
warning:  I am letting u guys know that this chapter  have smut and if can't handle it this is not the right chapter for u
and when u read play the music above 👆 it's will be more interesting
ok I am not gonna talk anymore I will let u guys read  😊😊 enjoy


"are u ready for the punishment babe" Jimin smirked
I widen my eyes
"w-what" I said
he started to walk towerds me and I was stepping back
"I would have been gentle if u didn't leave the house like that but since u did I have to be rough " Jimin smirked and walked towerds me
I step back until my back hit the the wall
I am so done

As he got closer his eyes darkened and was filled with lust
"j-j-Jimin...... ha-hajima(don't ) y-your scaring me" I said and I was so nervous
Jimin only stared deeply into my eyes and move closer.. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and slowly he bit my ear and wishperd "I want you"

my eyes widen
suddenly he pushed his soft plump lips against mine.. kissing me roughly
"j-Jimin stop" I said between the kiss
suddenly a soft moan escape from my mouth

he leaned closer and wishperd "it's dosent seem like u want me to stop" Jimin smirked
he was right,  I didn't want him to stop
he glided his fingers down my clit, my breath hitched
he moved his hand to back of my ass and squeezed it
I let out a moan
as soon as my mouth opened Jimin took the chance to stick his tounge into my mouth
right now I can't even think straight now all I want is Jimin
Jimin started to kiss my neck then back to my lips

slowly he pushed me into the bed never pulling away from the kiss
Jimin got off and took off his shirt then hovered back over me I couldn't help but to star at his toned abs
"like what u see" Jimin smirked
"can't say I don't " I replay

suddenly I felt  a  cold touch by my chest
I noticed Jimin sly his hand under my shirt
then he took off my cloths too
I tryed to cover my naked body but Jimin stopped me
"don't, ur beautiful " Jimin smirked
I started to  blushe
"j-Jimin " I gasped as he lightly squeezed my breast
suddenly Jimin went down and started to lick my wet core
"jjimin "  I moaned
Jimin raise his head
"I love it when u moan my name " Jimin smirked
"are u ready  I am gonna fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk tomorrow " Jimin smirked
"wait wait what if eomma and appa finds out "  I asked
"it dosent matter since we are getting married " Jimin smirked and went out the room and came back
and got back on top of me

he put his pants down and revealing his member
I close my eyes not wanting to look there
"look at it, you will be feeling it soon" Jimin smirked
when I open my eyes and looked there
I widen my eyes
th-that thing was huge
he started to slide his member to my entrace
I cry out in pain
"you want me stop" Jimin asked with a worried face
"n-no-no it's ugh big, I don't think it's fits " I said as my face turned red Jimin smiled
"it might hurt a little but it will go away soon" Jimin said and quickly slid his whole member into me not letting me adjust to the massaive side
he kissed me hard to  distract me from the pain down there
a small tear rolled down as I moaned in pain but soon it turned into pleasure
Jimin wipe my tears with his thumb
then he started to move faster
and I was in moaning mass
after a while
I could feel my climax
"j-Jimin  I am about to cum" I moan
"m-me too"   Jimin replied
then we both cum at the same time
Jimin then took it out and let himself fall on the bed  and layed down next to me
we took time catch our breath
he pulled a blanket to cover us

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