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I woke up the next morning feeling shit. I let out a small groan as I opened my eyes to find me in an unfamiliar room.

There was a flat screen TV at the end of the bed with a Ronaldo shirt in a frame on the floor on one side of the bed with a massive desk with three computer screens on. I sat up to see that I was still in my clothes. At least I didn't have sex with someone.

The sound of the door opening made me slightly jump then Simon appeared holding an cup in his hand.

"Morning, how you feeling?" He asked as he sat on the bed.

"Pretty shit" I said truthfully making him chuckle.

"Here this should help" he smiled and handed me a cup of tea and two tablets which I helpfully accepted.

I instantly took them, the hot liquid easing my dry throat. "Thanks for this Simon"

"The tea? No worries" he smiled as he stood up and sat down infront of his desk.

"I meant taking me home" I corrected him.

"No worries" he shrugged. "Are you hungry?" He asked as he looked at his phone.

I nodded. "Yeah a bit" I said as he put his attention back on me.

"Let's go to a small cafe round the corner" he suggested.

I had a quick shower and refreshed myself, Simon gave me one of his jumpers, which smelt like him which I definitely love, he also gave me some trainers which are apparently Josh's girlfriend's.

Once we were both ready we decided to walk to the cafe as Simon said it was only 'round the corner' but in reality it was round the corner, down a long road, cross the road and round two more corners. I usually don't mind walking but when I am hungover, I'm not a fan.

"I thought you said it was round the corner" I laughed as we walked in the small cafe.

"It is" he argued back as we took a seat by the window. "Can I order for you?" He asked as I picked up the menu.

"Sure" I nodded. "As long as I can have a banana milkshake" I added.

"That's cool, you just need to try their bacon butties, they are so good!" He stated.

The waitress came over and he ordered for us with a hot chocolate for him and banana milkshake for me.

"So whose Hannah?" He asked making me frown at him. "You were ranting about her in the cab then you fell asleep drooling on my shoulder" he explained with a small chuckle.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I don't drool" I argued back. "Hannah shes my new teammate, no biggy" I shrugged it off.

He seemed to accept my answer as he changed the subject. "So how are you feeling about the first match?" He asked.

I shrugged. "The closer it's getting I'm getting even more nervous" I said truthfully. "I don't know I guess I have a lot of pressure on me to perform"

"Hey you'll do amazing" he smiled. "I might of YouTube stalked you" he added shyly.

"And what did you find out?" I laughed trying to keep the conversation going even though he felt awkward in it.

"That you have a killer left foot" he simply stated. "You are really talented" he added.

"Why thank you Miniminer" I said giving him a cheesy smile. "So what do you actually do with YouTube? I don't actually get it" I asked as I put some hair behind my ear.

"I just sit at my desk in my room and upload me playing games with my friends" he explained. "There is a group of us who do it and we are known as the Sidemen" he said pointing at his jumper which said Sidemen XIX

I nodded as I took in what he said. "Oh that's cool"

"You know you are way more Geordie when you're drunk" he stated with a little chuckle.

"Do I?" I laughed.

"Wey aye,man" he said putting on an awful Geordie accent.

I rolled my eyes at him playfully. "Well that was awful" I joked putting on a mans voice.

My phone suddenly vibrated on my leg, I pulled it out my pocket and saw it was a text from Sav.

Sav: Where were you last night? What time are you coming round to pick Sting? Xxxx

I quickly replied then started to eat our breakfast and talk more to Simon letting us both get to know each other more.

"So where did you stay last night?" Sav asked as she sat down next to me handing me a cup of tea.

"Simon took me home" I shrugged.

She let out a small squeal as she squeezed my arm. "Did you?" She asked raising her eyebrows at me.

I shook my head. "No ofcourse not"

"Only amount of time" Emily appeared, she smiled as she quickly picked up her laptop then disappeared.

Emily is Sav's younger sister, they look so much alike but they are so different in personality. Emily is the same age as me but we seem to be in different universes.

"When are you next seeing him?" Sav questioned.

I let out a sigh not wanting to talk about this anymore. "Sav we are just friends" I stated as Sting jumped on the sofa for a tickle.

She nodded. "Yeah that's what they all say" she laughed. "And then the next thing you know you are both married" she added slyly.

"You are so annoying" I laughed. "Isn't Sav annoying" I said speaking to Sting.

"Yasmine do you want to stay for dinner?" Anna, Sav's mum popped her head around the door.

I nodded. "If you don't mind" I smiled.

"Oh my god look whose getting cosy with Hannah" Sav said looking at her phone.

I peered over to see she had Instagram open.

GHoward22: Welcome to the team @HannahGabrielle11

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GHoward22: Welcome to the team @HannahGabrielle11

"Well they do need to have a connection" I said, mainly trying to convince myself.

"Yeah but she should be loyal to you" she added.

I let out a small laugh. "She isn't my pet"

"Dinners ready girls" Anna shouted through the wall.

We both instantly jumped up and ran into the kitchen.


This is short chapter but the next will be longer!

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