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"So is this going to be your first place together?" The Italian estate agent smiled as I was viewing a flat with George.

The shock of what she just said nearly made me choke on my water, I patted my chest trying to not die which George let out a small giggle and wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me in closer to him.

I looked over at him and furrowed my eyebrows giving him a 'what the hell are you doing?' look. "Yeah we have been going for two years now, and I finally ready to put up with her annoying antics" he smiled.

The lady gave us a gushing smile. "Well this loving flat is a perfect starting flat. It is in the middle of Kensington with a great night life and a lot of the other tenants are young couples" she stated as she walked towards the balcony.

"What the fuck" I whispered yelled at him and elbowed him in the ribs.

He laughed as he held onto his side. "I don't like this place, come on" he stated as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

We ran down the corridor and down the stairs, neither of us daring to stop or look behind us incase the lady was there. We ran down the road and quickly hopped into the car with George instantly driving off, as he turned the corner he instantly bursted into laughter.

"That wasn't funny" I shook my head as I watched him still laugh and trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"Oh come on, just imagine her face when she walks back inside and realises we aren't there" he said then laughing again with me failing and joining in with him. "Oh and I would never put up with your annoying antics and live with you" he added, I frowned at him and punched him in the arm.

"And who said I wanted to live with your ugly self?" I questioned.

He put his hand to his chest pretending to be hurt which just made us burst out laughing again.

During the car journey it went from playful to us both being dead quiet, it wasn't an awkward quiet it was a comfortable quiet with George concentrating on the busy London roads and me scrolling through twitter.

As we pulled up into the Arsenal training carpark I let out a deep sigh which he noticed making him look at me. "A penny for your thought" he said softly.

I looked at him. "I want to leave, I do. But everyone here feels like my family, they have done so much for me and my repayment is to leave them and go to Chelsea" I said as George stayed quiet making me let out a small laugh. "You know when I was growing up I used to hate players who left Newcastle for bigger teams for money and now people are going to hate me for the same thing" I explained.

He nodded. "But there were also players who people admired for leaving and moving on for bigger and better things" he stated. "Make sure you win the FA Cup and you'll leave on a high and everyone will remember what you have done for them" he said positively.

I nodded my head slowly knowing he was probably right. I hopped out the car with George following asuite as it was an open training session today.

I got changed quickly and made my way out to see a sea of people standing around, I followed G towards them and took a few photos and sighed a few autographs.

"I don't think you will be happy but Simon is here" G whispered in my ear as I sighed a little fans shirt.

I turned my head and spotted him standing with JJ and George, his eyes wandered round and stopped on me with him giving me a small smile making me look away.

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