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Simon's Pov

The second half had just started with Arsenal winning 2-1 against Brighton, Yasmine seemed to be getting into the game as the minutes went by with her running around the whole pitch pressing everyone who had the ball.

As I watched her it was obvious why she was one of the favourites in ladies football. She gives her all in every match and she doesn't leave anything out there, plus all the goals she has scored speaks for itself.

The crowd cheered as Kelly slipped the ball past three defenders with it landing infront of Sav, she kept back making sure she was on side then took off and ran down the left side. My eyes went straight to Yasmine who was running to get into the box, as soon as she was there Sav crossed the ball towards her making her jump up, getting higher than the defenders and hitting the ball into the back of the net.

Yasmine ran towards Sav and jumped on her as they hugged each other in celebration while the rest of the team joined in. The crowd started cheering her name as she put her fist up to the sky, Hannah went over to her and whispered something into her ear making her laugh, the first time in the whole game that she looked like she was enjoying herself.

"How do you feel that your girlfriend is a better baller than you?" Tobi joked.

I rolled my eyes at him with Joe chuckling beside us. "I don't know what you are laughing at, Sav is a better footballer than you as well" I shot back.

He nodded. "Yeah and I'm alright with that" he smiled making Tobi laugh.

Yasmine's Pov

We were 3-1 up with only ten minutes to go, Brighton was losing their legs as they couldn't get the ball from us but we were still pushing up a high tempo wanting to get more goals on the board.

Hannah broke away and started running at them in the middle, both Sav and I followed her waiting for her to pass to one of us. She looked up and made a short pass to Sav I ran behind her making her lay it off to me, the defender grabbed my arm trying to pull me off the ball, I dropped my shoulder and shot the ball then instantly losing my feet making me fall over.

The crowd started cheering with Hannah and Sav running and jumping on me in celebration with the rest of the girls following a suit.

"99 goals!" Sav smiled as they finally got off me and helped me back to my feet.

"She's got 99 problems but scoring ain't one" Hannah sang making us laugh with G pulling us into a hug.

I turned to the crowd and applauded them, I spotted Simon and blew him a kiss then ran back to the starting position.

The finally whistle went off with us winning 5-1 with Hannah getting her second goal in the second minute of extra time. As soon as the ref told us the game was over Leah and Alex jumped off the bench and ran over to me and hugged me in celebration.

"Only one more to go!" they both sang in unison making me laugh.

"FA Cup Semi Finals we go!" I sang as we started jumping around like idiots.

I started walking around shaking Brightons players hands and hugged everyone in my team, I made sure to quickly go to some of the crowd to thank them for coming down and signed a few things and took a few photos with them.

I went into the changing room to see everyone was rolling down with a few getting their legs massaged. I quickly got myself refreshed putting my tracksuit on and packed my things away. I texted Simon to meet me outside then made my way outside to the front of the stadium.

"There she is" I heard his voice from behind me, before I could turn around he locked me in between his arms. "Great game" he smiled as he pecked my cheek.

"Thanks" I smiled as I turned around to face him. "Right can we get out of here before George finds me" i stated as a taxi pulled up.

He frowned at me slightly then nodded and followed me into the taxi.

We decided to go to the beach to have a small hideout away from everyone. Simon got himself some fish and chips while I got some bubblegum icecream and walked along the beach before taking a seat on the floor.

"So how was the casino?" I asked as I watched him stuff chips in his mouth.

"I don't know depends on how you rate a good time?" He shrugged. "If you class winning £200 then it was good" he laughed.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You won £200?" I questioned.

"Well I had to half it with Sugg" he added. "Only because he said he helped me out when in reality he was just sitting beside me" he laughed.

I giggled at him. "Did anyone else win?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Cal lost around £60, it was hilarious, just don't ask him about it because he'd go on a massive rant" he explained.

We stayed quiet as we ate our food, I watched as the cold looking water ran onto the pebbled beach.

"Why are you avoiding George anyway?" Simon suddenly spoke.

I let out small sigh. "He will want me to speak to some scouts, and I still haven't thought about what I want to do" I explained.

"Scouts?" He questioned.

I nodded my head as I started to play with my plait. "He told me that some Chelsea scouts were going to be down there tonight, they are interested in me playing for them next season" I said avoiding his eyeline.

"Right and you don't want that?" He asked sheepishly.

I took my eyes off the seagulls which were a couple of feet infront of us, I looked at Simon who was already looking at me. "Why would I?" I frowned.

"Well everyone knows Chelsea has a better base and can get better players than Arsenal" he stated, as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Arsenal have been nothing but good to me, I mean I have got 99 goals for them in just two season, whereas I might not even get a run in for Chelsea" I argued back.

He let out a sigh. "But it could put you more on the map and you can get paid double"

"I'd rather be known for my loyalty than getting persuaded by big cash"

"No one would hate you for moving to get more money" he said softly.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You honestly sound just like my dad and George" I sighed. "Everyone things it's about the football when it's about moving house, leaving an area you know and comfortable with" I said truthfully.

"Well I bet they just don't want you to regret it"

I ran my hand over my face as I let out a small sigh. "Can we just change the subject" I suggested.


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