Part 4

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Chapter 4

Jo's POV

I can't believe I had to go through that. I can't believe they actually asked me those kind of questions like where I was and doing what or if I was sure I never went to the daycare and took my daughter out of there. How would I be able to though? Leave the hospital, go to the daycare and take Camilla out of there, leave her somewhere, then return to the hospital without being noticed and pretend that nothing had happen? I mean Stephanie did see me prepared to get out of the hospital... Still, they are crazy for sure. Oh and I forgot to mention that I supposedly called Alex, asking him to pick our daughter up from the daycare, to have an 'alibi' just in case. Anyways that alibi wouldn't count because Mrs. Taylor did see me, right? I signed that paper! I did it somehow, at least it is what it says. Since they have no leads on how she was taken, there isn't any descriptive information of the abductor, but mine, or her vehicle they can't issue an alert. They are looking for her now but they didn't post an AMBER alert, so we will have to go to the medias. Alex and I went to the police department with Detective Morgan to make declarations so that they could proceed with the case. He then asked us to guide him to our house so that they can 'investigate' because I am suspect number ONE, so, he is coming home with us. He is in a car behind ours and there is another one police car heading there too. Alex is driving beyond mad because, one: our daughter was taken from the daycare, two: it took them a long while to start looking for her and three: they are trying to pinning this down on me. I can tell that he is trying his hardest not to explode and assault this Mr. Detective Morgan and all of his team, at least they have already started looking for Camilla. It's been almost three and a half hours now since she has been missing, they didn't do anything earlier because they thought she was somewhere safe where I had taken her to, so right now whoever took her has a huge advantage on us, she can be anywhere now.

"Alex?" I say looking at him. He is just looking at the road "What if they don't find her?"

"Then I will." He says without taking his attention from the road "I will go anywhere after her."

"Remember when I told you this morning that I had a bad feeling?"

"Yeah" He still doesn't look at me.

"What if..." I feel it, I'm going to cry. I feel so empty inside, like all my emotions have just drained out. I have been given the world and it has been taken away from met this easily "What if it never goes away?"

"It will. I promise." He sheds a tear, reaches for my hand, and squeezes it "I promise. Everything will be okay and she will be running around like crazy in here very soon. I promise"

We are home and she is everywhere. Her little bicycle is in front of the house and there is chalk drawing all over the sidewalk, I don't even know if I'll be able to go into the house. Detective Morgan and his crew have already got out of their vehicles and they are waiting on us to do it too. I turn to the backseat to see if she is asleep and then remember that she isn't with us... I hope you are okay baby.

Alex's POV

Right now I would rather have my body parts ripped one by one without any type of pain killer. Yeah I could bear that pain easily comparing to the one I'm feeling. I don't even think I'm feeling anything anymore. What do you do when you feel like there is nothing left inside of you? I have felt so many things before, happiness, sadness, excitement, disappointment, true pain, but nothing like this. I have a hollow inside of my chest, my heart has stop working properly, I can't think anymore, I don't know what do or worse I don't know how to feel. The house is so quiet without her. I can't even call it home anymore, because what is home now? I thought the worst that had ever happened to us until today, was the time when Camilla was admitted to the PICU for having caught pneumonia when she was sixteen months. I thought that was the worst thing that we could ever go through. What we are going through right now doesn't even compare to that. She forgot her old stuffed pink bunny on the center table this morning. She carries that around ever since she started to walk. We always have her blanket just in case she doesn't feel safe with her bunny. My poor kid. Wait, no she didn't. I gave it to her in the car when she was crying and she didn't eat at the center table either...

"Jo?" I say to her as she starts going upstairs "This wasn't here this morning... She didn't leave it behind and we all ate in the kitchen."

"Bag that plate for evidence. It's plastic, fingerprints stick better in it." Detective Morgan says to one of the guys that came with him. Jo stopped at the middle of the stairs and is looking at the animal I have in my hands trying to recall if Camilla did leave it or not. I am one hundred percent sure she didn't.

"Oh my god." She says and lifts her hand to cover her mouth as if she had realized something "She was here... How?" She turns around and starts running upstairs. I follow right behind her in the direction to Camilla's bedroom. I see Jo leaned against the doorframe sobbing. "She was here Alex... She was here. Look at that." I walk over to her so I can look at what she is pointing at. I can't believe my eyes when I look into her bedroom. As if the fact that somebody kidnapped her from the daycare wasn't enough, they had to bring her home, then do this and then take her again. They brought her home to take her away from us again?

How long ago did this happen?

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