Part 6

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I am going to start writing the next chapters like this one because I want to have Camilla/kidnapper interactions and I cannot find a way to write Camilla's POV and also because words come out easily if I do it this way. Hope you enjoy it and tell me if you want me to keep it this way or back to the POVs. Thank you for reading.

Chapter 6

"What do you mean, she left?"

"Calm down. She wanted to get some air and went out for a walk. She was feeling suffocated in here." Alex answered her "She should be back soon"

"Quite a walk... Well, Alex I have to go." She told him and open her arms so she could hug him "I am here for you. You can call us anytime, Derek and I, you know that right?" Alex only nodded for an answer and they stood like that for a little until Meredith pull back and walk towards the door to leave. Alex decided to go upstairs to his bedroom so he could lay down for a little bit but stopped in the way for catching the sight of his daughter room. He rested his head against the door frame and took a travel through time remembering every moment they had spent in that division with her, how she took her first steps in there, how they would lay on the floor just watching her play. He smiled remembering on night he had put Camilla in her crib, turned from her for a brief moment, and before he noticed, she had climbed from her crib and was standing in front of it looking at him. He got lost in his thoughts and when he snapped out of them he felt sadness all over his body remembering that his daughter wasn't there in her bedroom. He started walking to where he was going in the first place, his bedroom. When he got there he sat on his bed and put his hands on his face rubbed it. He was tired, tired of waiting for Detective Morgan to call him to tell them they had found their daughter. He was tired of doing nothing. All he wanted to do was to find Camilla and bring her home safe but he didn't know where to look. He sighed loud and reach his jeans pocket to take his phone out of them. When looked at his phone screen he saw the time and it was past 3 p.m., he then dialed Jo's number in it and called her. Pick you phone up Jo, I need to know where you are, you can't disappear from me too. He thought to himself, pick up. She didn't answer his call again, Alex tried to call her again and again and again but it was all in vain, she wouldn't answer it. He got up, put his phone on is nightstand and then lie down on their bed and closed his eyes. His tiredness took the best of him and he fell asleep. After a while, Alex started tossing and turning in his sleep, kicking his feet and crying. His daughter face kept popping up in his mind, he was seeing her running from them over and over again. He tried to run to her but every time he did it she seemed to get further and further away and he couldn't reach her, "Camilla, wait", he cried in his sleep. He then saw Jo appearing in it, holding their daughter's hand and both of them waving goodbye at him and smiling. He ran even faster but when he reached them, they were both gone. "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

He woke up with his own scream, his body sweating as if he had run a marathon, his breath was out of control and his heart was beating hard and fast against his chest. He sat with his back against the bed headboard and rubbed his eyes because his vision was blurry, he then realized his vision was blurry because of his tears and not from his sleepiness, so he wiped the remaining tears that were on his cheeks. He tried to shake his nightmare from his head but it kept replaying over and over endlessly. He felt guilty when he realized he was seeing Jo take his daughter from him. Jo? Is she home yet? He thought to himself

"Jo?" he yelled her name "Are you home?" he didn't have any response. He got up and went downstairs to see if she had got home and eventually fell asleep on the couch, she wasn't there yet. He looked at his watch and it was eleven past four. He looked for her in every room of their house and she was nowhere to be found. Where are you Jo?

The loud sound of his phone ringing shook him off his thoughts and he returned to his bedroom and he reached for his phone in his nightstand to see who was calling him, hoping it was Jo to tell him her whereabouts but it wasn't her. Whoever was calling him was doing it with a blocked id, as it was showing in his cellphone screen.

"Hello?" he said and waited for an answer from the other line but it didn't seem to be one "Hello? Who is this?" he could make out noises in the background but couldn't tell what it was. He was about to hang up when a familiar voice came on the phone

"Hello" Alex froze where he was standing and he could feel his heart race and a lump forming in his throat. He couldn't believe who it actually was. The little voice that he was waiting to hear since yesterday morning when he last heard it.

"Camilla? Where are you baby?" he asked still not believing he was actually talking to his daughter "Who are you with? Where are you?"

"Daddy!" he heard his little girl squeal on the other side of the phone "Hi daddy, I miss you"

"Camilla tell daddy where you are okay? I will come there right now! Where are you?" he said sprinting downstairs to grab his car keys so he could go wherever his daughter said she was "Baby, where are you?"

"I am not supposed to tell where we are, Daddy" she said after a little while, Alex was already in his car and was about to start the engine when he heard his girl giggling "You can't find us"

"Who is us baby?"

"Mommy and I" with that he heard the sound of the call end.

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