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~~Four Months Later~~
~~Kellin's POV~~

It was late at night, and I couldn't fall asleep. Every time I would get comfortable, I would feel pain, then I would move. This happened a few times before I groaned in pain. It was near the end of September, and I knew that the baby could come any day now. I felt a sharp pain shoot up my spine again before I sat up and tried to wake Vic up.

"Vic, wake up."

"Kellin..." I groaned in pain yet again, and Vic immediately sat up and looked at me. "Are you okay."

"No." I said, and then I felt it. I felt my water break. My eyes widened and I gripped onto Vic's hand tightly. "Vic, it's time."

"Holy shit, okay, I'm going to carry you to my car, then I'm going to come back in and get the diaper bag and my mom okay?" I nodded. Vic then picked me up after he grabbed his car keys and carried me to his car and sat me in the back seat before he ran back inside. He came back out shortly after with Mike, Tony, and Vivian.

"I'm driving, Vic, you sit with Kellin." Vivian said as they all got in the car. Mike had grabbed the diaper bag from Vic before he got into the front seat. Vic got in and sat next to me before Tony got in. Vivian then turned the car on and began driving to the hospital. When we got there, Tony and Vic got out before Vic helped me out and rushed me inside telling the nurses and doctors that I had gone into labor.

They immediately got a gurney and had Vic lay me on it. They also said that they were going to give me a c-section, and I was nervous as fuck right now. They had let Vic come in while they performed the c-section. It took a while, but eventually I heard the crying of a baby, and I was relieved.

"You did it baby." Vic said before he kissed my sweaty forehead.

"Would you like to see your baby girl?" One of the doctors asked.

"Please." They then handed the baby to Vic and he showed me our baby girl. I was happy, I had Vic, and now our beautiful baby girl. The doctors had taken the baby back so that they could clean her off more, and so that they could finish up with my stomach.

They did that quickly before they took me to a different room. Vic had to change out of the outfit that the doctors had given him to wear during the c-section. Vic had walked into the room just after I had gotten here, and he came over to me.

"You did it baby, I'm so proud of you." Vic said as he sat on the bed and looked at me. I smiled weakly. "You look tired, you should get some sleep okay?"

"Okay." I said quietly before I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Tonight has been very hectic, but I'm just glad that Vic was here with me to get through it.

~~Vic's POV~~

After Kellin had fallen asleep, the doctors came in with our baby girl. They had set her down under a light saying that it would keep her warm. They also said that I could hold her before they left. I had stood up and went to pick her up after they had left. She looked so much like Kellin, and I was okay with that, she looked so beautiful.

 She looked so much like Kellin, and I was okay with that, she looked so beautiful

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Kellin slept for about an hour before he woke up. At this time, I had put our baby down and just sat on my phone. During that time, Mike, Tony, and my mom had come into the room and held our baby before they let her sleep. We were all sitting quietly on our phones while Kellin slept.

"Vic..." I looked up at Kellin before I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket before I stood up and moved so that I could sit next to Kellin on the hospital bed.

"Hey Kellin, you okay?"

"I'm great, where is she?"

"She's sleeping, we should think of a name, but I got to do something before we do that."

"What do you mean?" I was nervous now.

"Kellin, I have loved you since the first time I met you. You were the one person who got me to talk again, and the same person who got me to stop cutting twice. I don't know what I'd do without you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I never want to change that. What I did want to change though is your last name, so Kellin, will you make me even happier then I am now and.....marry me?" I asked as I got on one knee. Kellin had gasped and covered his mouth with his hands with tears in his eyes.

He didn't say anything for a minute before he nodded. He moved his hands away from his mouth and showed me that beautiful smile of his. He then mouthed yes. I smiled before I got off the floor and sat back down on the bed before I put the ring on his finger. After I had did that, I kissed him. He kissed me back and I could feel his tears on my cheeks as we kissed.

We had pulled away when we heard clapping. We looked at everyone else and I just smiled. They all congratulated us, and Mike stood up and hugged us both. He had let us both go when we heard crying. I stood up and went and got our baby girl and brought her back over to Kellin.

"What are we going to name her?" Kellin asked.

"Why don't you pick." I said.

"How about........Copeland?"

"I like it." Kellin smiled. I then handed Copeland to Kellin. "Hey Kellin?"

"Yeah?" He asked as he looked up at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too Vic, just as much as I love Copeland."

"You two are so cute together." Tony said.

"So are you and Mike."

"Thanks Kellin."

"Of course Tony." The three of them left after that, that way they could get some sleep, and I was okay that they took my car. I just smiled at Kellin and Copeland, and I couldn't be happier. Kellin just looked up at me and smiled. "Vic."


"You're amazing."

"So are you Kellin, you always have been."

"Do you want to put her back under the light, she fell asleep."

"Yeah." I said as I took Copeland from Kellin and put her back in her little crib type thing. I then walked back over to Kellin, who had scooted over and let me lay down next to him. "I love you Kellin."

"I love you too Vic, we should probably get some sleep."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Kellin fell asleep shortly after this, and I did the same thing after I had kissed his forehead. I had the biggest smile on my face, and nothing could change that.

Save Me A Spark ~~Kellic mPreg~~Where stories live. Discover now