Chapter 53 ~ THEIR BIG DAY

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~Ty's POV~

I shot up instincitly from the couch of which I slept on. It was quite early but not early enough, the wedding would begin in 3 hours.

I shook Adam awake beside me and went to go do the same to Sarah. After countless times of re-waking her, she finally got dressed, as did I and Adam. The next half hour or so was a jumble of not forgetting anything and having wonderful personal hygeine.

As I was finishing curling Sarah's hair (which, by the way, doesn't do easily.) I remembered had to leave food out for Mischief. I set down a bowl of cat food and laid out a few toys, to keep him from destorying the furniture.

Adam called out for us to come out to the car now, we got on our coats and hurried outside. Adam sat in the front seat and started up the car, and we finally started to get to go to something so magical.

We drove for countless minutes, Sarah eventually fell asleep in the back, but, I wouldn't blame her. We did get up really early.

We finally made it to the church where the wedding would be held. The bricked build held tall and strong. The various glass mosaics glittered in the sunlight. I couldn't imagine a better place for a wedding to be held.

We might even have our's here.

Adam looked behind him a woke up Sarah. She seemed wide awake now rather then when she usually wakes up. We pulled our coats close to ourselves and walked inside, quickly grabbing the waiting present before we left.

We walked inside as beautiful, indescribable music played. It made all of us all the more happier.

Adam quickly set the present on the long table that waited at the back of the church, now piled with gifts.

We sat in the long, wooden benches that lined the church. We sat and waited, not as long as I thought we would.

Everyone who was chatting up a storm now was eerily silent. Hushed whispers washed over the crowd as the groom, who was Jerome, walked up to the stands, beside the waiting minister, who I did not notice before.

Jerome had linked arms with his mother who waited eagerly, who could blame her? Her son was getting married!

The light hearted music started and the large door, which waited at the front of the church, started to slowly open. Mitch walked in, his arms linked with his mother's. Mitch adorned a white tux where as Jerome wore a black one.

Mitch was now up at the front of the church, the minister and his mother on either side. The music silenced as the minister spoke up.

"We are gathered here today to join, in holy matrimony, Mr. Jerome Aceti and Mr. Mitchell Hughes. A love as strong as any will bond these two forever, through the thick, thin and the non-existant."

Mitch and Jerome's smiles were wider then I've even seen, happy tears pricking at the corners of their eyes. Both their mothers were despretely trying to keep from crying.

"Now, if the ring boy wouldn't mind..." The minister said. Conner, Mitch's little brother, happily ran down the aisle and set the small 2 rings down on the table between Mitch and Jerome. Mitch smiled at his brother and Conner returned the favour, and hurried back to his spot in the wings.

"Any vows, before we 'seal the deal'?" The minister asked them. Jerome stepped up, "I've had a crush on you for as long as I can rember, maybe even before we met," Jerome paused as little 'awws' sprung up from the crowd.

"And when you proposed, I can't even begin to explain how happy it made me to know we'd be together, forever. I love you, Mitch." Jerome finished. I looked beside me to see Sarah and Adam both looking around anxiously as if someone would see them cry. I turned back, my attention resting on the minister again.

"And you?" The minister asked, looking at Mitch. "I could only say the same things as Jerome, besides, you know, the proposing bit, becuase I was the one to do it. But, I can say that I'm unbelieveably glad you accepted. And I love you, Jerome." Mitch finished.

The minister continued, "Any objections?" The minister asked. Everyone stood silent. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the br-...groom." The minister said, slipping up a bit on the final word.

The enterage erupted in faint giggles.

He clearly wasn't used to homosexual weddings.

The both leaned in for a kiss and pulled back out. The minister took the waiting rings and set one on each of their fingers.

The crowd now erupted in glourious cheers and clapping, overly excited for the day that Merome became an item.


Did you like it? It's longer then usual, 786 words of goodness.

Merome wedding. That is all.



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