Chapter 59 ~ Big Day Blahs

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~Adam's POV~

I send Sarah through the door, on her way to school. It's been more then a month since the proposal, now it's Febuary. I close the door behind her as she waves goodbye. She runs up the street and out of view.

I make my way to the bookshelf. Work doesn't start for a while, so I need something to do. Pulling out a book, I read the title outloud "Fifty shades of g-" Nope. I push that abombanation back into the bookshelf.

Why do we have it here?

I might as well get dressed here.

I get on all my 'fancy' work clothes and I groom myself and all that crap. I sit back down on the couch and make the time speed by by watching T.V.

I flick on MythBusters and sit back.

~Time skip~

The credits are rolling, 11:30. Time to go to work.

I pull on my coat and go outside. I start the car engine and pull out of the driveway. I drive for a good half-hour until I get to the medium-sized building I work in.

I write small songs, nothing much. I got this job soon after Ty moved in. It pays well and it's something I enjoy.

As I sit down, pencil in hand, lined paper waiting for words to be written upon it, but I hit a bump in the road, writer's block.

I look around the small room, desperate looking for something too use as writing material. I think, back to this morning...


Hm, I suppose I could take a shot at a love song. But now that it's in my mind it's all I can think about, and it starts getting me nervous. What if nothing goes right? What if something happens? God dammit. I'm overreacting again.

I ponder some possible lyrics in my head and start jotting them down.

"Sometimes I wonder, what we'll be like,"

"When we're grown up, married with tyke,"

"And when we grow old, gathering dust,"

"Dying togther, it is but a must,"

"I be their with you, our sides together,"

"hand-in-hand, we're here forever."

Mhm, bland, short, but I'll fix it up after we have someone read it over. But, quickly, just to remind myself, I squiggle something in the top corner before handing it off to my manager "Deticated to: Ty."

~Ty's POV~

I sit here and scan groceries for a small old lady, she's smiling and making me feel happy but there's somethining my gut, making me a nervous wreck. I think you should know what it is, the Wedding. I've never been more nervous in my life.

I look at the old lady, who I had just finished scanning for. She meets eyes with me, and looks like she know's somethings wrong.

"Are you okay?" she asks, honestly concerned. I smile a bit to sell my statement "I'm fine." I tell her. He gives me a look that says 'I know you're lying.' She pauses, "Girl troubles?" She whispers. I shake my head.

She thinks for a second, "Boy troubles?". "Not troubles..." I reply as nonchalantly as possible. She smirks a bit, as if she knows what's up. "I understand." she says as she takes her few groceries out the sliding door.

That did help a bit a guess, although it seemed like it was 'normal' for her.

I wonder what Adam's new song is about.



Can I just say, thank you so sO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOO much for 15k reads! i didn't know I had a writing talent! It honestly means alot! (11th in skylox tag :3)

Baii my sexies!


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