The Fountain

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"The devil lives in paradise." -Me

That night I got something I haven't had in a while, sleep. The next morning I left early for the gym, since I had to be ready by six.
My hair and makeup was done by professionals, who were sent in by Aunt Laura. The gay guy doing my hair kept complaining about the condition it was in.
He curl ironed it and let it loose, making it almost reach my waist. It felt weird and different because I always tied my hair.

"Your hair brings out your eyes and also compliment your light pale skin." He says looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"You look perfect." I flinch at the word....perfect.

He applied red lipstick on me and plucked my eyebrows.I don't know the person looking back at me in the mirror, she looks fake..
I put on the dress which was easier than I had anticipated and the nude heels.

As soon as I arrive the first place I go to is the small bar. I order a beer which I haven't had in a while. I open it using my teeth, turn around on the chair and look around. The place looks fancy and big, with crystal chandeliers everywhere and a smooth jazz band playing on stage. The people here are important, they've all got that smile and that laugh.
As I'm about to take a sip of my cold beer I hear a loud squeaky voice shout and I mentally roll my eyes.

"Oh there you are! I was starting to think you wouldn't come!" She says with a huge smile on her face. She takes the beer and puts it on the counter. She's wearing a white dress that shows off her cleavage and curves. She did a weird up do and is wearing red lipstick.

She looks...forced.

"I knew Antonio would do an amazing job." She says brushing my hair back.

"Come I want to introduce you to a few people." She says taking my hand.

"Nope. I'll pass." I say taking my beer and taking a sip.

"And there she is."

That voice. It's his voice. I close my eyes and my whole body is rigid. He's behind me.
I put my beer down and turn around to face him. He still looks like that same monster in my nightmares. He's wearing one of his many black expensive suits and has a friend with, I've never seen him before.
I know my face looks flushed and my breathing is out of control. I haven't seen him or heard his voice in two years.

"So this is the famous Taylor Mckenzie. Rob has told me much about you."

Breath in, breath out..

"Pleasure to meet you ." I give him a forced smile, put my hand out for him to shake, hoping I dont sound too forced.
He takes my hand and kisses it and it takes every single fucking cell inside of me to not push him.

Deep breaths Taylor, deep fucking breathes....

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Mckenzie."

The way his eyes roam my body gives me fucking goosebumps. I pull my hand from his tight grip and look at my aunt for some sort of help.

"Uhh.. I was about to show Taylor around so if you'll excuse us gentlemen." She says looking at Rob.

"Oh no problem madam but before you go I want you to take this." He hands me a card, his business card.

"I'm looking for a graphic designer, a permanent one and I heard your good at what you do." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Thats my business card with all of my contact details on there. I'll set up an interview for you on Monday and I'll email you the details."

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