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I'm getting the feeling that my book isn't great but hey it's my first time writing and I know I shouldn't be giving up now but it's hard....😧
I mean don't get me wrong I love my book and I love writing it it's just I don't know if you guys feel the same way... especially my friends😑😑
But the numbers are increasing everyday which puts a smile on my face and motivates me to continue writing!!

Don't forget to vote and comment, I wanna know what you guys think about Taylor Mckenziiiiiiieeeee 😄😄

Even I can't handle her sometimes..

The rest of the evening was filled with silence and suspense. Something was hanging in the air and it was about to explode, whether it was that girl's ass or the chip on my neck. After I told Luca that Rob taught me how to shoot he just looked at me warily and turned away. I've learnt quite a few things about him. He doesn't take threats lightly, doesn't like being touched, doesn't like talking, has anger issues, he's really good at hiding his emotions and I noticed that when his jaw twitches he's thinking.

I avert my eyes to the group of men we past earlier who are in the middle of a  conversation. One of them isn't participating in the conversation, he's just sitting back watching the new girl on stage in deep thought. He's the only odd one out who's not wearing a fancy suit. He's in a black casual outfit and has long shoulder length blond hair. His eyes are deep blue like the colour of the ocean at night. He's also not as old as the other men sitting around him, I'd say he's about Luca's age. I think he senses me looking and our eyes meet. His eyes slightly squint in confusion at why I'm looking at him. He looks suspicious of me. I stare blankly at him not showing any fear or any interest just curiosity of who he is.

"Conrad is hosting a poker game tomorrow night." I break eye contact with blue eyes and look at Luca.

"You know him?"

"No." I lie to him. The way he's looking at me is like he can see through my lie.

"I somehow find that hard to believe."

Conrad is Rob's right hand man, one person that Rob trusts with his life. I never really spoke with him, I got the impression that he never liked me. Rob usually has these types of events every year, which I would usually be forced to attend. There's always something big behind them whether it's money or drugs. Everyone of his friends are usaully invited but only a few of them know what's truly behind the money making scam, including aunt Laura. She's most probably already knocking on my door with the invitation.
Luca then looks at me, curious for my answer but I remain quiet.

"You don't seem too excited."

I remain quiet. He breathes out and runs a hand through his hair.

"You're going to break into his office and get the file."

One place I wasn't allowed to enter was his office.

"Once you have the file, you leave  without being noticed."

"What if I get caught?"

"You won't ."

"You'll only have five minutes until the security alarm goes off. "

"How will I know where the file is?"

"You'll know when you're there." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Why am I doing this? Why not send one of your men?"

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