Red House

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"The darkness sometimes covers the scars of the past." - Me

"Where are we?" I ask getting off the bike.

I still have the gun on me, in case he tries anything.

I've never been to this side of town before. Everything this side is so dull and dead, including the people living here. The street light is broken, making the alleys look dark and creepy.

"Stay close." He says putting his helmet on the bike.

The place is written "RED HOUSE", well it's more like "RED SE", since the lightning isn't working for the rest of the words. I follow behind him as he enters the place. The place reeks of cigars and money, it's basically a brothel without the live sex taking place. The girls here have collars around their necks and are naked head to toe. The women here look dead.. They're souls have endured so much pain you can see it by the way they carry themselves.


It's all we live for...

All we breath for...


I feel someone smack my ass causing me to stop and slowly turn towards the brave bastard. He turns around and laughs with his friends, as if he has just done something remarkable.

Remarkable my ass...

I grab the top of his hair and drag him back which causes the chair to move backwards and hit the ground with so much force that I almost here his back break. I bend forward, flick out my pocket knife and put it against his throat, making sure to leave a mark.

He balls out his eyes and takes deep steady breathes completely shocked at what's happening. Not even his friends try to help him.


His breath reeks of alcohol and cigars and his eyes are a deep shade of red.

He's high.

"Don't you ever touch me again.." I gritt out angrily.

I slowly stand up, wipe the sweat on my forhead and walk towards Ford.

They're looking at you.

Calm down.

"What?" I ask him.

He looks at me for a long time and eventually turns to carry on walking.

"Bitch!" I hear the man's voice fade behind me.


I don't ask him where we're going, I just follow him. We get to a set of stairs which we go up and are met by a quiet hallway.There are many doors here.


He stops in the middle of the hallway at door number 20 and takes out a key..

What's inside..

He opens the door revealing nothing but the darkness.

The darkness...

"What are we doing here?" I finally ask.

"Relax I'm not gonna kill you. You're safe here." He says the last word quietly that I almost miss it.

Is he playing with me, testing me? Is this some sort of game to him?

But as fucked up as it is I walk into the dark room.

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