Chapter 7: Kayla

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Okay, so I did not expect Jönköping to be this – well; great. I had actually imagined Sweden to be an endless land of snow, and Jönköping was a bunch of wooden cabins huddled up next to each other...

I think I watch too much cartoons. Obviously; I was wrong.

There were shops, actually; loads of them, and cafes and bars, and whatever – you name it. There was quite a large amount of people walking around; their quick footsteps thumping on the ground. It was quite a big city for a small one – if that makes any sense. The smell of coffee filled the air, mixed with a sweet scent of pastry, and heck; it made me really hungry.

It was also quite warm here during the day, although Faye said it didn’t last long, according to Jaybee. Oh well; you had to make the best of it while it lasted.

I made my way through the city, capturing some shots here and there. Really, I just wanted to clear my head a little.

It was definitely better in Sweden than back in the UK, and that terrible youth hostel social services had thrown me in when I turned 18. I shuddered just thinking about it.  The people there – they were the worst types imaginable. I was so scared living there.

I was living far away from Faye at that time. We did manage to meet up sometimes, though during the weekends, although her parents didn’t really like it. They said it interfered with her studies and blah blah blah – that stuff.

But she was the only constant thing in my life, and I was eternally grateful to her. She was like family to me.

I slipped my hand into my jeans pocket and took my mobile out. How is it already 21:30?! I decided to turn around and head back to the flat. After all, I had left Faye in a state of crisis.

I hated seeing her like that, and it worried me. She was in a really bad place a few years before, and it was hard for her trying to get back on her feet. She was still shaken by it. After all; who wouldn’t be? But I was afraid she would end up in that bad place again.

I looked around me. Oh God; everywhere seems to look the same. Maybe I should have taken Faye’s advice on leaving a trail of bread behind me because I was lost.

I kept on walking straight ahead, though. Stay calm, Kayla, stay calm. You kept going straight ahead, didn’t you? Then keep on going straight ahead!

Yes, I did, except for those turns I had taken – somewhere. Damn it!

I should have those Swedish guys on speed dial for emergencies like this.

I chuckled to myself. Jaybee and his friends – heck, they were crazy. Jolle was an absolute nutter and Jonas seemed like the only sane one out of the five. I liked Jonas.

I held my breath as I found myself in a place which I definitely didn’t recognise. It seemed sketchy as hell. Oh God. I shouldn't have turned right. I should have kept on going straight ahead but damn; I don't listen to myself!

I was in this lonely area; the only thing in sight was this grubby looking pub. People - heavily under the influence of alcohol - could be heard shouting from inside. The area was so dim, what the hell? It was like they made it like this on purpose to make it look creepy.

“Du är en vacker blomma,” said a low husky voice from behind me. That’s it; I’m getting stabbed!

I spun around quickly to find this dude in a leather jacket standing a few paces away from me. I mentally rolled my eyes. It’s summer, punk! He had a conceited smile on his face. “Har du förlorat?” he said.

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