A Big Welcome Back (Chapter 1)

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            Beep, Beep, Beep. I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I realized this was the first night I spent in my new small, uncomfortable apartment. I stared at my alarm clock Seven oclock I hit the off button on my alarm clock and slowly got out of bed. The night before I was rushing to unpack all of my things I brought from Metropolis. Once I took my shower and got dressed in my new black pencil skirt and the white blouse that I picked from my closet, I walked into the kitchen and ate some cereal. I turned on the television and changed the channel to GCN.  Vote Quincy Sharp for Mayor- the commercial was interrupted Breaking News the Joker has broken out of Arkham Asylum I hurried to turn the television off. Great just my luck, the first day I am in Gotham, the Joker escapes the Asylum. I put my cereal bowl in the sink and let out a sigh. I walk into the bathroom and put my hair in a bun and put some makeup on then I looked at the time. Crap! I silently yelled under my breath as I hurried to find my black heels, once I found them I slid them on, and grabbed my IPhone off the table I stormed out the door. I started to walk down the stairs and missed the first step and fall flat on my butt and almost start to slide down the stairs but I grabbed tightly onto the railing. Once I got back up I wiped off the back of my pencil skirt and walked down the stairs slowly. Where did I park my car now? I thought to myself as I opened the front door of the apartment building, and I saw the car parked right in front of me. Thank God. I whispered to myself as I unlocked the car and got in, then I noticed a parking ticket on my windshield Why me? I got out of the car again and got the ticket and put it into the glove compartment. I started my car and drove down to Wayne Enterprises. I checked the time at the first red light Great, late on my first day. I sighed.

        Once I arrived in front of Wayne Enterprises and I parked my car and hurried into the building. As I walked in I am greeted by the woman at the front desk. Good morning Ms. Tate. Mr. Wayne is waiting for you in his office. She said as she called to tell him Im on my way to his office. Thanks I look at the ID she is wearing as I walk by Thank you, Denise. I walk into the elevator and hit the button for the top floor. Once I get up there I know exactly which office is his, I knock on the door and walk in. Hello Ms. Tate he smirked and said Come sit down. He gestured to the seat right in front of him. Good morning Mr. Wayne. He opened my file on his desk. How do you like Gotham so far? he says looking up at me after glancing at it. Its very uh. Nice. I am just shocked that the first day I am here I heard the Joker escaped from Arkham Asylum. Oh, well this happens a lot in Gotham. He laughs. What is your opinion of the Batman? You do know about him, correct? Yes, I have heard about him. Who hasnt? Hes the guy who killed Harvey Dent right? He nodded his head. That man should be sent to Arkham with all the psychopaths he beats to a pulp. He was about to say something but he was interrupted by the phone ringing, Excuse me, Ms. Tate. He picked up the phone and answered the mysterious caller. Hello. a few moments went by I will be there as soon as I can.  and he hung up his phone. Ms. Tate I must leave for a faculty meeting with the other owners of Wayne Enterprises, I need you to fax this paper work to LexCorp. Ok, no problem Mr. Wayne. But afterwards what would you like me to do? Faxing these papers shouldnt take too long. Take the rest of the day off. He gets up and opens the door for me. I get up and walk through the door way as he hands me the papers I need to fax. Thank you Mr. Wayne. No, thank you Ms. Tate. He says as he shakes my hand.

        After Mr. Wayne left I started right away on the paper work. A half an hour goes by, I realized I am finished. That really wasnt difficult at all Maybe he just wants to start me off on easy assignments today. I said to myself. I left the building and tried to find the parking lot. Once I finally found it, I forgot where I parked my car. I kept playing with the controls on my car remote to find it. I got in and drove around Gotham, I passed a couple places like the GCPD building, almost a hundred stores, the Iceberg Lounge, and almost forty abandoned buildings. I looked around where I was and it was basically the ghetto of Gotham, where all the sleazebags and drug dealers are. Then I see a couple of them just staring at me. One of them takes out their phone and calls someone. I couldnt make out what they said but I knew it wasnt good. I looked away for a minute and looked back and the men where right next to my car. Looks like youre lost. Need some directions? I hurried to roll up my car window and I answered No thanks, Im fine. Then I heard one of them hit my car and drove off as fast as possible. I think Ive seen enough of Gotham today. I nervously laughed to myself and drove home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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