Chapter One: Enterprise-D

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"Listen, Y/N, everything will be ok. Everybody aboard is great and I'm sure you will fit in perfectly." Your father, Commander William Riker, soothed you. You were about to arrive on the Enterprise-D, where you would be living with your father while he served as First Officer. "Thank you, Dad." You replied.

When you arrived in Transporter Room 3,  a man who you assumed to be the Captain and a woman who you weirdly recognised were standing in front of you. "Welcome aboard, Miss Riker. I am Captain Picard, commander of this ship. Please just address me as Sir. It will make your life, and my life, a lot easier. This is Counselor Deanna Troi."

Deanna stepped forward and shook your hand gently. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Riker." You nod.

"Number One, are you able to take Y/N to Medbay for her first regular checkup?"

"Yes sir. Come along, Y/N."

You followed your father down the corridors of the Enterprise-D. Many staff greeted you with polite gestures, which made you feel good inside. "Here we are, Y/N."

Your father entered through the doors and you went in after him. Standing there was a woman in a blue lab coat with ginger-brown hair and a young boy with brown hair, who looked a similar age to you. "Y/N, this is our Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Crusher, and her son, Wesley." You shook Doctor Crusher's hand. Smiling, you offered a hand to Wesley, and he shook it, smiling back. Your father and Doctor Crusher shared a look. Blushing, you and Wesley slowly snatched your hands back and rested them by your sides. "Over here, Y/N. Just sit down here and I'll look you over. There's nothing to worry about."

You sat on a bed and Doctor Crusher pulled out a medical tricorder and scanned your heart. "So, Y/N, what are you interested in?" Doctor Crusher asked you.

"Well, I want to become an engineer when I'm older, working for Starfleet."

As soon as you said the word "Engineer", Wesley poked his head round the door. "Did you say you wanted to become an Engineer? Working for Starfleet?" You nodded. Wesley's eyes lit up. He gasped. "Finally, someone my age with ambitions almost the same as mine! I thought there was no one like me."

Doctor Crusher laughed. "Wes, calm down. You can chat to Y/N later, but not while I'm examining her." Relucantly, Wesley spun on his heels and went through the door, back to whatever he was doing. "He's a bright kid, Y/N. I'm assuming you are too." Doctor Crusher grinned. You blushed. "I've always done alright in exams. I've been called a prodigy before."

"Wesley has been called a prodigy too. I can see you two getting along. Anyway, Y/N, you are checking out perfectly, so would you like to stay here for a little while? Or go and find your father?"

You thought for a moment, but it didn't take you long to figure out your answer. "I'd like to stay here, Doctor Crusher. If that is OK with you and Wesley." Doctor Crusher chuckled.

"It's OK with me, Y/N. It's almost definitely OK with Wesley."

You blushed redder than a rose and scurried into the next room to find Wesley.

Prodigy- Wesley Crusher x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now