Chapter 4: Calm Before the Storm

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You were sitting in class next to Wesley, who the day before you had kissed on the cheek, and he had done the same. You couldn't stop thinking about it. Together, you were going through calculus, which wasn't very interesting, but with him, it was great. You two were the smartest kids in the class.

After lessons, you walked down the hall with Wesley. When you turned the corner, you saw your father, his mother, Deanna and Tasha about to enter Transporter Room 1. "Hi Dad. Where are you going?"

Doctor Crusher nodded and answered for him. "We are beaming down to a planet named Tuvala to meet the citizens there, for the Federation. We'll be back in around an hour, you two keep each other company." You and Wesley nodded.

"Bye." You said in unison. Doctor Crusher and your father laughed. Wesley rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Shall we go to my quarters?" Wesley asked you.

"Why not? Let's go." Being careful not to drop your schoolwork, you went down the corridor to his room. "Ladies first." he chuckled. You raised your eyebrows and strode in through the door. Carefully, you set down your schoolwork on his bedside table. He did the same. "Wesley, I'm nervous. My father has been injured on away missions before, will he be alright?"

"Y/N, as long as the others are down there, he should be OK. If he isn't, my mom will do everything to save him. OK?"

"Thanks, Wes."

You shuffled up closer to him, and hugged him tight. He didn't let go. "There's always risk with away missions. But, you know what?"

"What, Wesley?"

"At least you're safe. At least we're safe. I'll keep you safe, I'll never let any harm come to you, because, you are the only one who understands me. And, Y/N, I, I think I love you." Wesley kissed your forehead. You broke off the hug.

"Oh Wes. I love you too!"


"Yes, Wesley?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

You practically squealed. "Yes! Yes Wesley! Of course I will!"

He grinned from ear to ear. You stared into his eyes. You both leant in. Wesley moved forward and sweetly kissed you on the lips. He backed away and stroked your cheek lightly with his thumb. "I know you are scared for your dad, and that's perfectly normal. I'm scared for my mom. It's natural."

You wrapped your arms around Wesley's neck and pulled him into a hug. "I love you, Wes."
"I love you Y/N."

(Time skip brought to you by Wesley's sweaters)

Down on Tuvala, Tasha was desperately trying to contact Captain Picard. When she finally got through, her message was not good.

"Captain, it's Commander Riker. He's been injured, we need to beam him aboard. Doctor Crusher will accompany him."

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