Chapter 3: Relax

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You woke up to find your dad had left for work. You got dressed into your favourite outfit and led on your bed, trying to get as much relaxation in as possible.

Knock knock

You jumped at the sound.

"Y/N? It's Wesley, please can I come in?"

"Yes, Wesley. Come in."

Wesley strode in, wearing his acting ensign uniform. "Morning, Y/N. I was really bored, so I thought I'd come by and see if you were free. I need to tell you something"

"What is it?"

Wesley blushed lightly. "Wesley?"

"My, mom and your, father. They were talking about me and you. Saying, we, were. Um, m-m-made for each, each, other. Like, in, a love way." He trailed off.

You motioned for Wesley to sit next to you on your bed. You took his hand in yours."Wesley, don't sweat it. They are probably just trying to tease us. You know what, they might not be wrong. We do seem to match, don't we?"

"Yes, we do..." Wesley smiled nervously.

You stood up and stretched your back. It hurt after a restless sleep. "Are you alright, Y/N?"

"My back hurts. I must've slept funny." 

 Wesley bolted up.

"My mom taught me how to help anyone with back pain. May I?"

You nodded. You wanted the pain to go away. It wasn't fun. Wesley carefully placed his hand on your lower back. "Try and bend back over my hand, Y/N." You did as he told you. Astonishingly, the pain began to fade, and you felt more comfortable instantly. "Thanks, Wesley." You looked into his deep brown eyes. You could've got lost in them. They were bright, brilliant and benevolent. "Y/N? Are you alright? You look a little dazed." Wesley touched your forehead gently. "You feel a little hot. Do you have a fever? Do I need to take you to Medbay?"

Suddenly, you snapped out of your trance. "No, Wes, I'm fine."
"Are you sure, Y/N?"

"I'm fine, Wesley. Just zoned out for a second." You noticed the look of concern on his face. "Really, Wes."

Wesley shrugged and sat back down on your bed. "How is your schoolwork going?" You asked him, trying to make conversation. "It's going OK. I'm having to do calculus at the moment, which isn't that exciting, but I don't mind. By the way, when are you starting lessons here?" 

"Oh, tomorrow! I remember Dad telling me I was in a class with you!"

Wesley stood up and looked at you. "Really, Y/N? Wow, I can't wait!" You stared at your feet, you felt a little hot with Wesley this close to you. Your cheeks went a dainty pink. "Y/N, you are zoning out again. Your head is hot, I think you actually have a fever, I need to take you to my mom. I don't want you to faint!"

You breathed deeply. "Wesley, I don't need to go to Medbay. I just want to do one thing."

"What, Y/N?"

Fidgeting, you leaned up to Wesley and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. He blushed, and returned the gesture. It was uplifting. 

You saw your father coming down the hallway on the computer. "Wes, sorry to cut this short, but my dad is coming and I don't reckon he'd like to know what just happened. Run! Bye!"

Wesley did has he was told, and just in time. 

"Hello, Y/N. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thanks Dad."

Prodigy- Wesley Crusher x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now