Chapter 7: My Mother

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"I'm here Doctor Crusher? What is it?"

"It's your father. His pulse is slowing rapidly and he may not wake up. If you want to see him, you may."

Tears manufactured themselves inside your eyes and quickly departed down your cheeks. "Thank you, Doctor. Wesley and I are on our way now."

"Exit." Wesley said solemnly. "So much for our date."
You placed your hand on Wesley's shoulder. "Wesley, it was perfect. Now, we need to get down to Medbay."
You rushed out of the holodeck and down the halls of the Enterprise. You accidentally bumped into Data. "Oh, sorry Data!" You exclaimed.
"Do not worry, Miss Riker. It is perfectly alright."

When you arrived in Medbay, you greeted Doctor Crusher with red, puffy eyes. "Y/N, your father's pulse is really dropping now. I'm struggling to get anything, but all of my equipment says he is alive." Doctor Crusher gestured towards your father, Commander William Riker, who was lying just out of reach of death's harsh, unforgiving grip. You and Wesley entered the room and sorrowfully, you held your father's hand.

"Dad, I don't know if you can hear me, but there is something I must tell you. Aboard this fine ship, I have felt better than ever before. I've learnt to cherish my life and the people in it. I've met so many new people, and I've even found my first love: Wesley Crusher." Wesley smiled and kissed your cheek. You resumed.
"Dad, you can't go now. I need you. Captain Picard needs you. Everyone aboard the Enterprise needs you to help keep this ship going on it's magical journey through the universe. Oh, and Dad? I love you so much. I can't let you go now."

Moments passed. Seconds felt like minutes. Minutes felt like hours. With all your heart, you wished that your father would wake up.

While you continued to hold  your father's hand, Wesley began to speak. "Y/N, even if your father doesn't wake up, know one thing. I will never let you go. I love you." He leaned down and affectionately touched your nose. In response, your nose scrunched up and you giggled. "Thank you, Wes. I love you too." You kissed his cheek.

You heard Doctor Crusher humming in the room next door. "Wesley?"

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Is it weird that I see your mother as a mother figure?"

"Not at all, Y/N. If anything it's great! I hope you don't mind me asking, why isn't your mother with you?"

You shed a tear. "Y/N?" Wesley sounded concerned.

"She, she. She died when I was two. I don't remember her... I don't even know what she looked like."

Wesley sighed. "Sorry, Y/N. But, if you are anything to go by, I'll reckon she was a beautiful woman. Commander Riker is a very lucky man to have you as his daughter."

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