Chapter 5: Injured

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You and Wesley rushed down to Transporter Room 1 to see your father and his mother. When they materialised, you saw your father with two injuries in the head and one in the left leg. You gasped in horror. Wesley did the same. You began to cry into Wesley's shoulder and he held your waist to comfort you. You were so worried, you didn't know what to do with yourself. The tears began to stream down your face, and Wesley just hugged you. He could do nothing else.

As they moved your father on to a stretcher, you went up to Deanna (who had just beamed through)and asked her what had happened. "To put it simply, the leader down there explained the name of the planet came from an ancient Earth language named Sinhala. It translates literally to injured. He explained that the leader of every party who visits their planet is brutally injured to go along with traditions. In this case, it was Commander Riker, your father. There was nothing we could do unless we violated the Prime Directive. I hope you understand." Deanna held your hands soothingly.

"I understand. Thanks, Deanna." You spluttered through tears.

Down in Medbay, Doctor Crusher continued to run tests on your father. When you and Wesley walked into together, you were told to sit at the table where Wesley often did his work while Doctor Crusher finished figuring out results on her tests.

"Wesley? Is my dad going to be alright?" You leaned on his shoulder.

"I don't know, Y/N. I don't know. All I know is that my mom will do everything in her power to make him better. Understand?"

"Yes, Wes."

Wesley gently kissed your forehead. It calmed you down instantly. You heard the clip-clop of heels and broke apart, not wanting to be rumbled by Doctor Crusher. Not quite yet.

"Y/N. Your father."

"Yes, Doctor?"

"I'm afraid he might not make it. The two injuries to his head collectively were very damaging. I'd talk to him now, just in case he falls into a coma or possibly something worse.

"Before I see him, Wesley and I have something we'd like to tell you."

"What is it, you two?"

"We're dating." Wesley said. Doctor Crusher's face relaxed and smiled.

"Really? Oh, I'm so happy for you both! Now, quickly, go and tell your father, Y/N. He'll be delighted."

Not wanting to disobey her, you and Wesley walked into the room where your father led. "Dad? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Y/N. Why is Wesley here?"

You steadied your breathing. "Dad, Wesley and I are dating. I've found my first love."

"Y/N Riker. Oh, Y/N. I am so happy for you. By the way, Wesley?"

"Yes sir?" Wesley stood up straight.

"If you hurt my daughter, you'll never see the light of day again. Understood?"

You rolled your eyes, but Wesley started to shake. "Understood, sir."

You held Wesley's hand reassuringly.

Your father started to cough. "Dad?" Doctor Crusher rushed in. Her face fell.

"Oh no. No, no! Commander Riker! Stay with us!"

Prodigy- Wesley Crusher x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now