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Oh, hell no.

I gritted my teeth as I looked out the Gryffindor tower window, where I saw my date for the Yule Ball, Viktor Krum, snogging Pansy Parkinson. Just for the record, I wasn't mad that he was seeing another girl; we were just friends, and that's all we were ever going to be. Once the Triwizard Tournament was over in a few months, I doubted if Viktor and I would see each other again. But of all the girls he could have chosen to play tonsil tennis with, it had to be her - that snake, Pansy Parkinson. AKA, Draco Malfoy's "girlfriend".

Were they actually a thing? I wasn't sure. All I knew was that they were supposedly going together to the ball tomorrow night, and now I was dateless. Not necessarily officially, but it would be soon. I refused to go dance with someone I know is going to have eyes for another.

I zipped up my light jacket as I turned away from the window.

"Are you coming, Hermione?" Ron called from the portrait by the wall, which swung open and lead out to the staircase.

I jogged over and flashed a fake smile at him. "Ready," I said quietly.

The ginger paused as he watched me for a moment, and his eyebrows scrunched as if he was starting to ask me a question. I stepped through the opening in the wall and quickly met Harry half way down the steps. I heard Ron thundering down behind us, accidentally pushing sluggish first years out of his way as he caught up. Harry, too, looked over at me with concern in his green eyes.

"'You alright?" He asked. Ron finally walked up right behind us and was listening intently.

I lifted my chin and turned the corner with the boys right on my heels. "I'm fine. Perfectly fine."

"You don't look fine," Ron retorted.

I rolled my eyes. "Please. I'm alright, really. I had a paper due in Advanced Muggle Studies today, and I didn't sleep very well."

Thankfully, they believed my excuse as their faces relaxed. Ron threw his arms around both of our shoulders and leaned heavily against Harry and I as we finally made it to the bottom floor. The crowd around us went around as we lazily made our way towards the Great Hall. I glanced over at the tall wooden doors that lead outside, and I made a decision. Before I could break away, Ron spoke.

"Tomorrow is going to be amazing," he said with a goofy grin. "One huge party! Fred and George said they were going to try to spike the punch."

Harry laughed and shook his head. "If you decide to bring a girl back to the tower, don't bring her to our room!" The boys laughed as Ron shook my shoulder gently.

"So, Miss Secretive - who's your date?"

My blood ran cold as I shrugged off his hand. "You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out, won't you?"

"Ha ha, hilarious." But, nevertheless, he pushed his red hair out of his eyes as we finally made it to the entrance to the Great Hall. The noise coming from inside was almost deafening as the excitement was growing. I watched as Peeves dove into the Ravenclaw table, sending food flying everywhere. Dumbledore shook his head from his place at the professor's table, and simply replaced everything with a wave of his wand.

Ron and Harry started to head on in, but I began to walk away. "I, um, I forgot something upstairs. I'll catch up with you later!"

"Um, okay!" Harry called as he watched me scamper off. I didn't stick around to see their reactions, but when I reached the end of the hall and glanced back, they had already slipped into the Great Hall.

I waited until the majority of the students around me filed into the Great Hall, chattering about tomorrow's events. Yippee. Yay. So excited now.

There was no sense in denying that I was a little hurt by Viktor Krum's actions. He was tall, dark, and handsome, along with being incredibly strong. He had paid me special attention as he asked me to be his date, ignoring the girls that had followed him over to me that evening two weeks ago. I felt special, and now...

Just a Dance...   (Book 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now