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When the clock struck ten minutes before seven precisely, I was pacing in the foyer of Hogwarts as I waited on Granger to make her way down. I was slightly surprised that I was so willing to take her to the Yule Ball. I mean, if word got back to my father that I danced with a mudblood, let alone took her as a date, he would have me shipped off to Durmstrang faster than a Firebolt. I'm not sure my mother could restrain his wrath like usual. I knew that I had to be careful - Professor Snape was to be nowhere near us when we were together, and neither were Crabbe and Goyle. Thankfully, I believe they couldn't get dates so they stayed behind and slept, but just to be cautious, I was going to pretend like they were there.

The only people who were really supposed to notice us were Pansy and Krum. Once they come over to take back their dates, then we'd act like it was just a spur of the moment decision as if she was thrown to me. Then, I'd take Pansy back, ignore her for about a week, and wait until she came back begging for me to be her boyfriend. After the dance was over, I silently vowed to myself that I would never speak of this night again to anyone. I would convince Hermione later to do the same.

Part of me feared that Granger might bail on our plan so that she didn't receive any criticism from Potter or Weasley. But my fears quickly subsided when I saw her turn the corner in a flouncy blue dress that accentuated her brown eyes. Her hair was slicked back in a braided bun, and small ringlets hung around her face. She stepped carefully, as if she wasn't comfortable in her heels. Her face was done with make up, and maybe just a little too much rouge, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"Well, you actually look like a girl for once," I commented.

Granger frowned as she lifted the hem of her dress and walked towards me. "Will you keep it down?" she hissed. "We have to be careful about who sees us!"

"Yeah, well, considering we're going as a couple, I think that might be harder than you think." I met her half way and pulled a small bracelet made out of daisies from my coat pocket. I straighten out some of the flattened parts with my fingers. "It's only proper to get you a corsage, but the only my mother had sent for my date was given to Pansy." I left off the fact that I had saw her wearing her to meet up with Viktor Krum less than an hour ago.

"Oh." A blush rose to her already red cheeks. "I, I didn't get you anything."

"I guess that shows your manners." 

She shuffled her feet awkwardly. "I've never done this before, I apologize."

I shake my head dismissively before offering my crooked arm to her. "Are you ready? We're going to be late for the competitors introductions."

She nodded, causing her ringlets to bounce, as she slipped her slender hand inside my elbow. I helped her balance as we made our way down the stone hallway towards the Great Hall, which had been converted into a ballroom for the occasion. Groups of students huddled outside the door, talking and complimenting each other. A few of the older students looked at us with simple curiosity, not fully understanding the true nature of my relationship with Hermione. One girl, one of the chasers for the Gryffindor quidditch team, tugged on her date's arm and whispered something urgently.

George Weasley turned and locked eyes with Hermione. "Bloody hell, Hermione!"

"Hi, George!" With a death grip on my arm, she drug me through a crowd of students and into the ballroom. As I glanced behind us, I saw that George was calling for his twin, Fred, and that the line up for the Triwizard Tournament ceremony was about to begin.

"If Fred and George are there, Ron has to be somewhere nearby," she hissed as we darted past the punch bowl.

I dug my heels into the ground and forced her to come to a stop. She was strong, but I reached over and grabbed her hand, pulling against her.

Just a Dance...   (Book 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now