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The music blasted from the stage as the band played "Hippogryff Crazy" as loud as they possibly could. I laughed as Krum did his best impression of a robot before Seamus Finnigan stepped in and called out for a dance off. I cheered as Seamus and Viktor stepped out into the middle as the rest of us students cheered and clapped.

"You might can beat me at Quidditch, but you can't beat the Flaming Finnigan." He began to moonwalk.

Krum shrugged his shoulders before popping his knuckles. "We shall see."

And so they began. Seamus did the Carlton (but the wizards called it the Hobgoblin), the running man, and the Charlie Brown. Krum topped him with the robot, the sprinkler, and a spinning backflip, which he elegantly landed.

Seamus popped his collar. "Is that the best you got?" He rolled his arms.

"No." Krum then took the spotlight with his perfect, athletic worm before doing another backflip. Seamus tried to recover by grabbing his ankle and head, doing some kind of interpretive chicken dance, but to no avail. The crowd began to chant, "KRUM KRUM KRUM!" Even the performers were chanting along.

Seamus shrugged. "Some of you need to borrow Potter's glasses to see what true dancing is." With that, he moonwalked back into the crowd and began to dance with a Ravenclaw girl, who was hysterically laughing at him before she planted a kiss on his cheek. His cheeks burned a firey red as he smiled.

The crowd surged in at Krum, trying their best to lift the heavy man off of his feet. The Weasley twins and two other boys managed, despite their strained faces, and corsage's were tossed his way from fan girls.

"Way to go, Viky!"

I turned sharply to see Pansy Parkinson standing to the left of me, throwing her stolen corsage into his lap. Where was Draco? I frowned as I began to turn, searching everywhere for the only boy in the entire school that has platinum blonde hair. When I did not see him behind me, I turned back into the crowd to see...

Pansy... wrapping her arms around Krum's neck and snogging with him again after he had been put down.

My mouth fell open. Again?! The first time was bad enough, and now the two of them had the entire student body chanting for them and cheering them on. I never saw him look up to see what my reaction was.

He probably didn't care.

I saw the Weasley twins pushing their way towards the lovely couple, but the crowd was too dense.

"Hey you arrogant bastard!" I heard George scream over the top. "I'm gonna kick your arse when I get to you!"

A few students screamed and moved out of the way. I watched as Pansy gave a devilish smirk before taking Krum's hand and dragging him along as she raced away. Krum's eyes scanned the crowd quickly and landed on me, and I saw slight fear behind them. I didn't stick around to see what happened as tears whelmed up in my eyes. I turned around and shoved through the people who were trying to watch the commotion. I finally broke free and took off in a sprint past Harry and Ron, who gaped in horror as they saw me rush past.

"MIONE!" I heard Harry call. Their thundering footsteps pounded behind me.

"I think there's tension in the room, Headmaster Dumbledore," the lead singer said through the microphone.

A swarm of teachers began using stunning spells to stop the students, but I didn't watch to see who got hit with them as a massive fist fight broke out.

"Mione!" Harry grabbed my shoulder before I could make it out of the Great Hall, breaking the heel on my pump and causing me to fall on my hip. I let out a slight yelp, but covered my face with my hands. Immediately my best friends were stooping down at my side, helping me to sit up. Ron held one arm behind my back to steady me as Harry picked up the broken pieces of my shoe.

Just a Dance...   (Book 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now