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"Oh, so after all this time of you pushing me away from you," Pansy snapped with arms folded, "you decide to come running back after your stupid little hook up with that mudblood didn't work out!" Her black bob wobbled as she sneered, and the corsage on her wrist lost a rose petal.

I rolled my eyes as I stuck my hand into my pocket, wrapping my fingers around my wand's handle. I wasn't going to use it, of course - unless, of course, she used hers first. I had already noticed the slender outline from the outside of her left calf. Had she tucked it into her shoe, or had she taped it to her leg?

"Well, Pansy, when you weren't out breaking world record on how many boys you've snogged, maybe I might have taken a bit more serious interest in you," I growled. "We had agreed to go steady, that this year was going to be the year we were going to be serious with each other! And besides, this wasn't a hook up."

She threw up her arms as she laughed mockingly. "Ha! You act like I'm an idiot, Draco Malfoy! We're only fourteen! You never paid me any attention! All you did was crack jokes with your buddies before class, and then after you would work like a madman trying to beat Granger in her studies! That's how you get off!"

"No I do not!" I snapped haughtily.

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. "Really? You paid her so much attention - way more than you would pay me! 'Granger and Potter' this, 'Granger and Potter' that, 'I saw Weasley and Granger studying in the library today'!" Her black dress hugged her tightly as she cocked her hip to the side. "And now you brought her here to try and make me jealous, but really, everyone knows that you are the jealous one. You ruined your reputation as a pureblood, and yet I only made myself look better by coming with someone of respectable values." Pansy lifted her chin and smirked.

My eyes narrowed. "You forget, Dumbass, that she was with him before you were."

I watched as she glanced over my shoulder, which caused a ripple in her confident facade. "I guess neither of us have to worry anymore about our reputations being damaged. The lucky couple have gone to dance now."

I turned around on the balls of my feet, and for a moment, my heart dropped. Pansy was right. Viktor Krum and Granger had went together hand-in-hand over to the crowd of rowdy dancing teenagers as the beat pulsed from the stage. She seemed happy for the first time tonight. She was smiling as she twisted and spun with him, and her curls bounced frantically. Her blue dress shimmered as Krum's red fur cape flounced like a broken ostrich wing. He, too, was smiling.

Why was he so smiley? Congratulations, Bulgarian-arse - your date got back with you after you broke her heart. You must be so special.

"I guess someone didn't expect his plan to actually work."

I turned back around. If looks could kill, I hoped mine would have slit her pale throat.

"You didn't actually think that we didn't notice, did you?" Pansy shrugged. "You were practically stalking us- Hey, where do you think you're going?!"

I pushed my way through the crowd away from her, squeezing past couples who were sipping cheap punch and giggling profusely. In my peripheral vision, I saw someone coming towards me, but I picked up my pace and made my way towards the foyer.

Why was I suddenly so jealous? This was our plan from the beginning - hell, I fucking made the plan! I just wanted to piss Pansy off and embarrass Granger at the same time! For fucks sake, I was halfway rooting for Viktor Krum in the Triwizard Tournament just so that I could see Harry Potter lose! I had just brought Granger here to dance and get our dates back because... Well, because I didn't want to come alone, and she was available. She was there in the foyer, and for some reason my gut was screaming that it wasn't by circumstance that we were there at the exact time for the exact reason.

Just a Dance...   (Book 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now