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Brandon X. Ingram


"So I'm guessing you ain't tell Azirah about that shit that happened with you and that lil girl from All American week." Chase said. Me, Chase, and Derryck were chilling at my crib.

I sighed out loud. "Bro I don't know how to tell her." Cassie found me on Instagram and slid in my dm's. She was saying that we should talk. I simply told her that we didn't have anything to talk about.

"I feel like this shit is gonna come up one day and then she's gonna think you're a liar, but if you tell her now she'll probably understand. Besides, you acting as if you cheated on her, the girl just threw herself at you. you're making it worst for yourself." Derryck said.

"Yeah y'all right, I'm gonna let her know what happened today." I shot Azirah a text asking where she was at and that I needed to speak to her. She replied saying she was at the supermarket buying groceries with Alissa and her cousin.

"Yo Azirah asked if we wanna come over for dinner, y'all with it ?" I asked. "Hell yeah, I was gonna spend money on food too." Chase said.

"So you gonna let her know what happened today ?" Derryck asked. I shook my head yes. "So what if she slap your ass in front of us ?" Chase laughed.

"Hahaha, no. Like Derryck said It's not like I was all up on that girl asking for her to kiss me, she did and I stopped her." I defended myself. "Actually you did ask her to because you was hanging with her all throughout that week and you kissed her back, but you stopped yourself the second time. Am I wrong ?" Chase said automatically defeating me.

Derryck threw a pillow at Chase head. "Chase shut the fuck up. Look just tell her, I don't think she's gonna dub you bro."

"You know all I do is be honest, I'm not trying to be an asshole. Me knowing Zirah, she just don't play that shit." He put his hands up in surrender. I understood where he was coming from so I definitely wasn't mad.

"I feel you bro, I'm not mad at all." We dapped each other and continued playing 2K. This was our life, we couldn't stay off this shit.

"When is your mother coming home ? I'm tired of seeing y'all ugly asses." Chase sighed.

Derryck laughed. "This nigga will never leave your mother alone." I shook my head at Chase. deciding not to even go back and forth with him because he would never stop anyways.

It's like on cue my mom came through the door. She rocked dreads now and she looked absolutely stunning.

 She rocked dreads now and she looked absolutely stunning

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"Hey babies." She said waving to all of us. She was having a full blown conversation with Chase, saying how adorable he was and shit. I shook my head. If only she knew.

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