2 | what the hell

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Ella dragged her feet as she made her way to the hospital. Volunteer work was something she did often, especially at hospitals. Her work consisted of going to the rooms of those who were alone to keep them company. She hoped volunteering would give her a look into working in the medical field. It was a great thing to do, but sometimes she just wanted to stay home in bed.

Pushing the hospital doors, Ella was greeted by a several of the nurses who had grown to be quite fond of her. They had all incredibly nice to her, but her favorite nurse was Melissa McCall.

"Hi Melissa!" Ella greeted, walking up to the front desk.

"Ella, hi! It's nice to see you again!"

"And it's nice to see you, as always," Ella said.

"Oh stop! You're feeding my ego," Melissa smiled, sliding her a clipboard. "You know the drill. Sign in, and I'll tell you who is free today."

Ella nodded, reaching for the pen on the counter, only to quickly pull away when it moved on its own. She glanced up at Melissa who's eyes were glued onto the pen. Ella quickly grabbed it and sighed the paper, hoping to rush away as fast as possible.

"Here's the list," Melissa said, making no comment on what she saw.

"Uh, yeah, um, thank you," Ella responded, attempting to sound as if nothing had happened.

Walking away quickly, Ella tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, mentally hitting herself for how unnatural she acted.

"What is wrong with me?" She mumbled.

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Exiting the door of the last patient on her list, Ella was ready to go home. Her sister would not be home yet, but she didn't mind being alone. She quietly made her way down the hall until a sudden sound caught her attention. A loud clanging came from the other direction, and the lights suddenly began to flicker above her. Something insider her was telling her to ignore it and walk away, but her curious side got the best of her. As she began turning the corner, her eyes caught sight of blood smeared on the walls and floor.

Ella didn't know whether to yell or run. She wasn't a stranger to blood, but the amount covering the hallway was more than she was used to. Now there was an alarm him her head telling her to leave.

As she started to step back, she felt herself bump into something, or rather someone.

She hesitated to turn around, but when she did she found herself face to face with a boy. Blood dripped down his chin, also staining his fanged teeth. His pure white eyes glowed in the dim hallway and stared into Ella's, sending a shiver down her spine.

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