9.) hard to know

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"I See the Light" by  Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi


After began stuck in a freezing well, Ella found it difficult to keep warm. Last night she had piles of blankets on herself. She went to bed in a sweater, and even socks. Ella was surprised she wasn't sick, but she didn't want to jinx

Ella woke at four in the morning, unable to go back to sleep. She had nothing to do, so she just lied there, staring into space. In wasn't until her sister called for her, when she snapped out.

"Ella, I'm leaving! I'll be back later!" Her sister yelled.

"Okay, bring me something to eat when you come home!" Ella yelled back.

Ella waited for her sister to leave. She listened as the door opened, then closed. Removing the covers, and getting out of bed, Ella went straight to her closet. Traveling all the way to the back, Ella took out a hidden pillow, and a guitar. Laying them on the bed, she quickly fixed her hair and headed downstairs.

Today, Ella was going to spend her whole day on her couch, with a guitar in her hand. Since only juniors had to go to school, she got to stay home.

Unzipping the back of the pillow, she pulled out sheets of paper, and lied them all over the ground. She sorted them into their matching pairs, and skimmed through them.

Music papers was what she was reading. Some where here own, while others where sheets that others have made.

No one knew about this little secret Ella had. Not even her sister. Ella had great music skills, along with a great voice. She even had a side job at a little cafe. It wasn't much, but she got tipped at times.

Ella never told anyone, but at times she would get a vision like image in her head. It was of her mother singing. Her voice was angelic, and her guitar playing was beautiful. Ella wasn't sure if the memory was real or not, but she loved to believe that it proved her mother really loved her. Then again, Ella could never know for sure.


A couple hours passed, and Ella was still in the exact same spot. A pencil was in her hand, and a sheet of paper was on the ground in front of her. Her mind tried to come up with lyrics, as she pictured a melody. It wasn't until she heard a knock on the door, that her gaze changed.

Quickly removing herself from her spot, Ella made her way to the door. As she opened it, she found Liam with his hands in his pocket, facing the their direction. It wasn't until Ella cleared her throat, that he turned.

"Uh, hi." He said.

"Hey, um what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to check if you were okay. You know, from yesterday." He said. Ella let out a smile and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine. What about you? Was Deaton able to help?" She questioned.

"Yeah, he was able to get the wolfs bane out of me." He said.

"That's great," she said. For a while there was an awkward silence. Ella leaned on the door frame, while Liam rocked back and forth.

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