7.) scratches and bruises

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"Girls Like You," by Blackbear

Ella had so many injuries than ever before. She had bruises on her back, shoulder and legs. Not to mention the scratch on her shoulder and one on her cheek. Mason sure seemed to notice.

"What happened to your cheek?" Mason asked.

"Oh, I scratched myself. I tried to rub my face, and my ring cut it." Ella said, trying to cover up the truth.

"So why put a bandage of it?" Questioned Mason.

"It was pretty deep." Ella said.
Mason shrugged as he pulled his backpack over his shoulder. Both were walking on their way to lunch.

"Hey have you seen Liam?" Asked Mason. Ella shook her head.

"Darn it. I've been looking for him since last night. I've texted him but he hasn't texted back." He said. Ella shrugged, and gave him a pity smile. She knew the real reason he wasn't answering, but she couldn't tell him.

Making their way outside, Ella spotted Scott looking around. When he found her, he began to make his way towards her.

"Can you excuse me for just one second?" Ella asked Mason.

"Yeah go ahead I need to talk to someone real quick." Mason said. He walked away, leaving Ella to stand alone as she waited for Scott.

"I need to talk to you." Scott said. Ella nodded, and they walked to the boys locker room. As they walked in, Liam was walking out. He had an angry expression that softened once seeing Ella. She quickly looked away from his gaze, and continued to walk. Turning, Ella found Derek.

"Have you learned control?" He asked. Ella's eyes widened, and shook her head.

"Derek it's only been a couple of days." Scott defended. Derek raised and eyebrows, and crosses his arm.

"Have you guys even tried?" Derek questioned. This time they both shook her head. Derek sighed in disappointment.

"You need to teach her control. It has to be quick, especially with the Dead-pool." Derek said.

"Dead-pool?" Ella questioned, confused.

"You haven't told her?" Derek asked.

"I was going too, when the time was right. Her name wasn't even on it." Scott said.

"I think now is the right time." Derek said. Ella confusedly watched the two bicker with each other. She knew this was getting no where.

"Guys." She said. Ignoring her, Ella sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Guys?" She said again.

Finally after getting tired of being ignored, she raised her voice.

"Guys!" She yelled.

Both covered their ears, as her voice echoed though the locker room.

"Sorry." She said quietly. Derek glared at Scott, as if he forgot to tell him about her.

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