17.) little loving

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"Perfect Strangers," Jonas Blue


The rest of the night was incredibly awkward for Ella. She had to deal with the fact that she almost killed everyone who tried to help her. She did the thing she was afraid of the most. Hurting others. Not to mention having Liam being the one who brought her back to normal.

Part of Ella was very embarrassed. Scott told her that she needed an emotion tether, and surprisingly that tether ended up being Liam. Scott said is was almost like an anchor. Mentally, Ella was scolding herself. How could Liam possibly be her tether, and not someone closer like her sister?

Scott could tell Ella felt strange about what happened. He tried to get Ella's mind off tonight, but nothing worked.

They left in the morning back to Beacon Hills. Peter was still knocked out from when Ella attacked them. Argent gave them wolfsbane incase he woke during the trip back. Argent had to leave with the Calaveras to hunt Kate. Ella could tell it hurt Scott a little to see him go. Derek left with Braeden after he explained what happened to him. Apparently he was evolving. Ella had no idea what that meant but she pretended she understood.

As for the ride home, Ella fell asleep during it. All she had to do was rest her head against the window, and close her eyes. Most of them did the same as Parrish drove them back. He was the only one going back to Beacon Hills.

Once they arrived, Ella went straight home. Fortunately her sister wasn't home and it gave her enough time to clean herself up. She prepared herself for what she was going to tell her sister while she finished cleaning herself up.

In a couple of hours her sister arrived back home. She found Ella sitting on the couch watching the television.

"Ella! Where have you been? I was so worried." Her sister said.

"I'm sorry I stayed night at my friends Lydia's house. My phone died and she didn't have the same charger." Ella said.

"Next time please make sure your phone is charged." Her sister said. Ella nodded.

"I will."


The next day, Ella and everyone else were back in school. This time, Ella wasn't sore from a battle. It must be because she wasn't the one getting the beatings. For the first time, Ella wasn't the one to be hurting.

Today Ella was around Kira and Lydia. Scott officially said that Ella was a part of the pack. Part of her was glad, while the other part was extremely nervous. The only friend she had before everything happened was Mason, now she's a part of a pack. Things really do change.

"I'm so glad that this is all over." Lydia said. "Yup. No more assassins, and no more Kate." Kira said. "Yeah but now we have school to worry about." Malia complained.

"School's not that bad Malia." Lydia said. "That's because you're all smart. I'm still getting used to this." Malia said.

"Well at least you have Stiles to help you." Ella said.

"Yeah see. Your boyfriend can help you," Kira said, "speaking of relationships, Ella how are you and Liam?"

"Me and Liam? What do you mean?" Ella questioned.

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