6.) party mood

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"I Believe," by Timeflies

Everyone was running around frantically. Stiles took Malia into the basement, and Scott took Liam along with Kira. The only ones left in the house was Lydia and Ella.

"Well then, lets have a party." She said.

As Lydia made her way to open the door, Ella ran to hide in the kitchen. Ella didn't find parties fun. Most of them contained drunk and hormonal teens. She did not want to be part of that.

As the house filled with people, Lydia put on music and passed out drinks. Ella stood in the corner, wondering how it was going with Liam. But she was more concerned about herself. Never before had her eyes glowed, it seems that this part of her was getting stronger.

She didn't know whether to tell Scott, or just keep it to herself. Dangerous was what she thought of herself, and dangerous was what everyone else saw.


"Hey you're one of Mason's friends right?" A boy questioned from behind her. Turning, there was a blonde boy smiling at her.

"Uh, yeah. Ella." She said.

"My names Garret. I'm one of Mason's friends too. He's actually mentioned you before." Garret said.

"Oh really, cool. Do you know if he's here?" Ella asked. Garret nodded.

"Yeah, the last I saw him he was by the entrance." He said.

"Oh okay. Thank you." Ella said.

"I'll see you around Ella." He said.

Giving him a small smile, Ella went off to find Mason. Confused, Ella didn't get a very good vibe off of Garret, but she didn't want to be rude. Brushing past people, Ella searched for her friend. Stretching her neck to look, Ella could not find him.

At last, she found him coming down the stairs. Making her way towards him, Ella felt relief. She always felt relaxed when Mason was around.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." She said to him.

"Oh I was looking for Liam. I didn't think you were going to come. I know parties aren't your thing" He said. Ella shrugged.

"Yeah, I came with Liam though." She said. Quickly realizing how that sounded her eyes widened.

"You came with Liam?" He questioned, a small smirk on his face.

"Uh yeah. We both knew the same person that invited us, and we came in the same car." Ella said, trying to cover up the reality.

"Okay sure. Anyways have you seen him?" He asked. Ella shook her head.

"Nope sorry. I haven't-"

"Ella! There you are. I need to talk to you, alone." Kira said, out of breath.

"Oh um, well I was actually talking with someone." Ella said.

"No, it's okay. I'm going to go search for Liam again. I'll talk to you later." He said. Before leaving Ella gave him a small smile.

Pulling Ella aside, Kira had a worried expression.
"Liam got out of the chains." Kira whispered. "What how?" Ella asked. Kira shook her head and shrugged.

"I don't know. They weren't strong enough. Scott's looking for him right now. But we need your help." She said.

"How am I supposed to help an out of control werewolf?" Ella question.

"He seems to trust you more than us. Talk to him." Kira said. Hesitating, Ella agreed to help.

Following Kira out into the woods, was certainly nerve wracking. With a violent werewolf on the loose, Ella seriously felt unsafe. Her eyes would wander around, trying to see if she could spot glowing eyes. Kira would try to spark up a conversation between the two, but Ella didn't really feel like talking.

"Why don't you talk much?" Kira asked. Ella shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess I'm not very social." Ella said unsure.

"Okay I might not be able to hear your heartbeat, but I know your not exactly telling the truth." Kira said.

"I guess I just feel like by talking, I will bother people." Ella sighed.

"I feel like that sometimes. But that shouldn't stop you from talking. Believe me, there have been many times were I ramble on and on." Kira said laughing. Ella let out a small laugh. Ella didn't know why, but she felt good with Kira. Like she understood her.

But that good quickly changed. Hearing growling coming from behind them, they both stopped. Neither of them moved. Ella slowly turned to find Liam eyeing them with bright yellow eyes. Stepping closer to the girls, Kira tried to calm him.

"Liam, it's me Kira. You don't want to do anything you'll regret. Please." She said. Liam let out another growl. Kira motioned for Ella to try, but Ella could barely move.

"L-Liam. It's me Ella. Just c-calm down. T-they can h-help you." Ella said, taking a stepping closer to him. Her hands were in the air, and her breathing was uneven.

"It's okay Liam. They won't hurt you." Ella said.

Liam's head lowered, and he stayed in that position for a while. Ella looked back to Kira who just shrugged. Ella didn't know whether to move, or not. But she took a step back, causing a twig to snap. Liam's head shot, his eyes still glowing.

He snarled right before charging at Ella. Knocking her down, Liam growled in her face, causing her to yell. Scratching her right cheek, Ella yelled louder. Kira used her sword to try and get Liam off Ella but he wouldn't move.

Suddenly something landed beside Ella, that let out sparks. Growling, Liam got off Ella while covering his eyes. Ella rolled from the thing shooting sparks, and quickly got to her feet. She ran towards Kira, while feeling her cheek.

Out of the shadows, two figured appeared. On was Scotts and the other was of an unknown man. A gun was in his hand, and he wore an imitating expression.

"Ella are you okay?" Scott asked. Slightly trembling, Ella nodded. Curled up next to a tree Liam was breathing heavily. As Scott walked to Liam, Kira introduced the older man.

"Ella this is Chris Argent. Mr. Argent, this is Ella." She said.

"It's nice to meet you Ella. I assume you know all about this?" He questioned. She smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"Yes she's actually, a um warlock." Kira said. Mr. Argent raised an eyebrow.

"A warlock? Now that's one I haven't seen before." He said. Ella gave a small shrug, but then changed her attention to Scott.

"Liam?" Scott asked. Liam looked up at they boy with his eyes wide.

"What am I?" Liam asked. Fear was in his eyes.

"Your like me. A werewolf."

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